New member, old fan ;)


New Hunter
Hey everybody! Mike here from Quebec, Canada. Lifelong Star Wars fan (OOT, of course ;)) I'm an amateur prop builder and prop collector, I've built everything from blasters to proton packs to pulse rifles. I'm here to realize a life-long dream: to own (and paint) my own Boba Fett helmet. I heard this was the right place. ;) Seriously, I've always thought that Fett's costume was the ultimate SW costume; the sheer amount of detail astonishes me. Anyway! I hope that I'll amount to the incredible standard you guys have set. :D
Welcome! You are in the right place with the right Boba-freaks. If you strive for accuracy (and I think you do), then you can contact fettpride or asok for their great helmets, then read, reread and then ten times reread the sticky threads in the Boba Fett Helmet section about paints and painting tehniques. Good hunting!
Thanks man. :) Great advice all around; I'll be frank, I lurked a little before subscribing, and both fettpride's and asok's buckets caught my eye. Also I've found some invaluable info in the sticky threads (including your incredible stencils) and I'm bookmarking threads as we speak. After all, research is essential in this hobby... ;)
Hi matey , i'm new myself and an even older fan :D . If you need wookie braids ,cape or pouches use woodman , he's a top bloke and very helpfull . Good luck with your build !
Welcome aboard bruv..
Sounds like your off to the right start with a little research. look forward to seeing some of your stuff. :thumbsup:
Hi matey , i'm new myself and an even older fan :D . If you need wookie braids ,cape or pouches use woodman , he's a top bloke and very helpfull . Good luck with your build !
Duly noted. Thanks a lot! :)

Welcome aboard bruv..
Sounds like your off to the right start with a little research. look forward to seeing some of your stuff. :thumbsup:
As I am seeing yours. Don't think that I haven't seen your GMH ears interest thread. ;)
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