*UPDATE #5- Mandalorian Imperial Mercenary. ARMOR PROGRESS

Looks awesome...I gotta admit you definately have a very refreshing and original idea. By far, you have got to have one of the most stunning homemade jet packs that I've seen to date. You really know how to run away with a concept. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see this baby when you are through.
thanks for all of the compliments! they've warmed my black little heart.

Recent developments on this project include:

An imperial scout blaster w/holster. This will be my Mando's sidearm. The blaster, if made off of the Kenner, is quite easy to modify. however, making the holster gave me a new-found respect for the scout troopers as it is VERY difficult to construct and have it look right. I had to glue about three pieces of sintra at once, then bondo; like using concrete on a house of cards. here's a reference photo of what I'm talking about:

I'll post pics of how all that went in a day or so.

The more recent issue is that of the back-plate and collar. This is definately the hardest part so far. I've shaped and re-shaped my back-plate about 8 times and I've concluded that either the pattern was off or that it was just too big. I'll try trimming it and shaping it some more before I give in and cut out a new one; I'd hate to waste all that sintra. ANY pointers on this part are GREATLY appriciated.

Thanks again, everyone. I'll post new pics sometime tomorrow.

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Macantosh station 1138 said:
hmmm, maybe this Mando doesn't need a backplate...

Yeah... you're not planning on turning your back on the enemy are you?? ;)

But the rest of the armour+ helmet are awesome! :thumbsup:
Impressive... Most impressive. Some one has taught you well..
BigaboyFett said:
Lookin' sweet my Dark Fett Man!

GEO - "Hey, John is getting whipped, let's help! CENO, SLAVEFIVE, KINDREDJEDI...back me up!

CENO - "Sure, but I am busy with all these hotties, and I am the only single guy here."

SLAVEFIVE - "John, I am coming! Quick, give me your credit card so I can close out the room first!"


Ha ha, I just now read that. You crack me up John.

That's too bad you can't make it to C3 Christov. I'm gonna try to make it to comic con this year too, so maybe I'll see you there. The suit's really startin to look good.
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Hey, looks really awesome so far! (Especially the jet pack. Damn. :eek: )

Let me know how the bloody handprint works out if you decide to do it. My Mando has blood splattering on her helm, but I was thinking of using acrylics. They wipe off easily enough with a paper towel when still wet.

Also, if you still wanted to see it, here's a screen of a Dark Trooper from Battlefront. I apologize for the angle. It's the only shot I had that didn't require me to get back on the game and take another, heh..


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Wow, that's spooky man. Don't be sneakin up on folks like that. Haven't seen any posts from you in like two months, and then you go and reply to this thread two minutes after I say it.
Hey folks. The project is back in the works. I should have it done in time for the Comic Con. I do have one slight problem though, the tailor I had making the neckseal and flakvest has dropped off the face of the earth. Does anyone know who can crank out a set in dark gray or black at short notice?
Keep us posted on your progress man! That suit is gonna be cool! As far as someone who makes awesome soft parts pretty darn fast, I'd check with TK409. Awesome neckseal he makes! Vest too!
haha...what a coincidence. i have my own set that im working on that is the exact opposite colors of yours. i still need the helmet, but aside from that, im done. yours looks AWESOME so far.
The gauntlets are ESB, possibly with a different rocket if I feel up to making a custom one. They're close to being finished, I'll probably post pics of them this weekend as well as the newly completed backplate, codpiece, etc.

BobaMaker is taking care of the vest, neckseal which will be a dark slate gray so as to vary up the texture a bit.
Just saw this thread - That's neat as hell. TBH, from the concept drawing, it seemed to me to be another "It's Boba Fett, but VERY slightly changed" effort.
Not at all. I especially love the jet pack.

The skull logo is sweeeet, too.
What's the gun? Sterling base, with underslung M203 and an MP5 stock?
Custom extended barrel?
On the weapon, you're close. the m203 is actually some PVC, but m203 is what I was shooting for (no pun intended). the stock is very similar to the mp5, took it off my paintball gun, thats also where I got the barrel.

Gauntlets are almost done. Vest, Neckseal should arrive soon. The bad news is that I won't be making the san diego comic con this year either. :angry everyone bailed at the last minute and I can't afford to go alone.
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