

Active Hunter
I'm finally getting around to finish putting this together.
the bucket and armor was purchased from another merc about a year ago . the original plan was to repaint all of it with a yellow/ black theme but after time the red grew on me . so here's what I put together so far .
any suggestions ?

dread priest 001.jpg

dread priest 003.jpg

dread priest 004.jpg

dread priest 005.jpg
It looks pretty good, my only suggestion would be to make it the color you want. Maybe add a jet pack or something. How much did you buy this for and what is it made out of?
well the armor is sintra and the bucket is a MLC ,
the vest/ neckseal is from LadySewforus
not sure who made the gauntlets but they are fiberglass and they rock.
I'm waiting for a MOW jet pack that should be here any day ,
I just gotta pick a style of boots, a different blaster, and shin tools
so far I got about 6 bills invested in this one...
o.o that's alot of money, but I guess if you bought it that's why. It is cheaper to make it yourself, but that requires skill and time. (mostly time) You definately need a cool blaster to finish it off.
If you want yellow and don’t want to the repaint whole armor yellow you could just paint the knees or shoulders maybe add yellow stripes or Sigils.

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