*punches the computer*

Shab me! Ugh.

I know everybody always says "A custom Mando is never truly 100% because you're constantly upgrading*, but this is ridiculous!

I just got the go ahead from my wife to start the build on my first custom Mando about two weeks ago. Once our income tax moolah comes in, I can get started, so I'm looking at probably late January/early February.

In the last two weeks, I've torn apart my armor concept and redone it four times, completely changed out the shins, fiddled with the colors too many times to count, and decided I'm gonna go through the trouble of constructing a backpack instead of throwing a cape over my shoulders. And tonight? I've decided I'm gonna integrate a drinking water system into the pack that's gonna feed up into the helmet.

Is it always this bad? I'm not even started and I can't stop upgrading!!! Argh!
I know,what you are talking about.:) My first ideas were completely different compared to how my costume looks NOW. Every next day, i woke up with some new ideas and things which i could do with my armor. Good example: My gauntlets. Started with the idea to use the shin templates for my gauntlet base,then went to use the WOF boba gauntlet templates and now i have built my gauntlets from the shin templates,eventually. :lol:
*chuckles* Yeah. I was originally planning on wearing a cape/kama/loincloth, so as to not restrict my movement too much with stiff armor, but I decided to do a backpack just tonight. And (in concept, of course) I've added a drinking water system, and I've been running various wires from the (conceptual) battery pack that I've got attatched next to my field surgery kit. *rolls eyes*
shuk u've been around long enough to know... I changed my concept about 50 times before I even started and I've changed it twice since then! lol
LOL! :lol: I do that all the time. I spend a week working on something, then say "wow...that'd be cool if I..."

It's perfectly natural to do this...just dont destroy your computer. :lol:
Just start working on your costume and you'll see what will be best for you. A costume project "grows" while working on it. :thumbsup: And I'd suggest that you write down any new idea and keep it for the next project. That's what I do ;).
Just relax dude, Lay down, drink alcohol (or if your underage and somehow gets energized and relax at the same time due to caffeine like me then drink something caffeinated)
Im actually thinking of making a Pack too, because my dude uses a scarf instead of a cape so i needed something to go over my back, I'm actually making a simple idea, four walls, one bottom, and a hatching top ( i feel im underestimating the difficulty of costume making
the basic idea for mine has more or less been the same, but in the past couple of months I have changed things like colors, weathering or not weathering, different pieces that would only get worn at certain times, etc.. etc.. I think that knowing you have the freedom of not having to be "screen accurate" goes to your head a little bit when doing a custom mando, because I know one of my first thoughts was awesome I don't have to have every scratch and dent in the same spot as everyone else, and then all of the changes started... However, I am much happier dealing with fighting with myself on what changes to or not to make, as opposed to what my other hal is having to go throught with his Boba SE. Seems like my headaches are much smaller than his :)
I know how you feel. My wife & I have been talking about what we want our costumes to look like and whether to go custom or not. Finally today we decided to stop dreaming and start building. We will see what form it grows into. Thanks to WOF we have a good start on the helmet. We'll be starting a WIP post soon.

WOF's templates don't cost much to start with paper & cardboard. (If you're handy with fiberglass & bondo.) Jump in & we'll learn together.
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