My white Fett

Amazing job!
I love the look of the White Fett design, the details of the armor just pop out, its very dificult to hide any imperfection.
Very elegant and cool!
Thanks Guys for all of the compliments.
I also started a new version of the Gauntlets in shiny white, here´re pics of the unfinished right one.
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wizard of flight has blueprint drawings to make a sling gun

I found all parts to build the sling gun.
Thanks for your help.

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Outstanding job. Somehow I missed this thread the first time around, but have to say, all of your improvements are spot on. This is the first true Supertrooper I have seen and it looks AWESOME!
Wow, were you suprised to see your old thread bumped? :lol: :p ;)

I'm glad it was, and your mods. look absoutly great...As do your blasters! I wish I had those! :lol:
Wow, wow, wow :thumbsup:

Really great job, makes me want to switch over from ESB.

I am curious if anyone knows, does the 501 accept this? Would be really different to have this for trooping!
Wow, wow, wow :thumbsup:

Really great job, makes me want to switch over from ESB.

I am curious if anyone knows, does the 501 accept this? Would be really different to have this for trooping!

my one is accepted inside the Garrison, but is seems to me not inside the 501st. :confused
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