The Mercke Lutso progress thread

I've also made some concept drawings for how the whole ensemble will look.

Here's my drawing...

Photshopped for more detail...

I think I've got everything covered in my mind ;) got a pretty good idea of what I'll use for most of these things.

And yes, that's a cybernetic arm...and no, it will not be a part of the costume... :lol:

This is the Lutso clan insignia:

I came up with this on a piece of scratch paper one day. This is the photshop rendition.

The symbol will go on the right breastplate (see drawing).
Awesome symbol. Yeah, I'll hook you up with a tutorial on leather holsters =D

First thing you need to do though is get a leather awl. That and a good pair of sharp scissors (I use tin snips also).

I revamped my blaster last night. The pictures I posted earlier are actually quite old, and between the revamp and other various tweaks I've done over time, the weapon looks alot different now. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow.
Okay, I've completely revamped the blaster. It's 1000 times better now.

Repainted the grips to give them a better ivory look.

Weathered alot.

Added two rings on the left side of the mag.

Installed a new scope rack. This was custom made by me and (painstakingly!!!) attached to the side body. It can now hold 2 different scopes (see pics).








Now to work on that holster.

Thanks alot you guys. I'm getting ready to start painting the armor now, so I'll post some pictures of it.

I also got a new vibroblade which I think is pretty uber looking.
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