Mandalorian skull

ragamuffin 1616

New Hunter
Hey all, I'm making a box to put a light in for my Boba Fett Unleashed. It looks pretty sweet lit from underneath (I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. If not, I'm sure you'll try it). So here's my question, should I put a classic Mandlorian skull on it or graffiti style? Here's a side by side picture I photoshoped to help you visualize it.



But, and there is always a but...

If you're still interested in the tagged art I'd skip using Photoshop (at least as a first step). Try cutting a stencil and experimenting with different spraypaint techniques. After that dries, scan it into Photoshop. I'd recommed scanning it as a Grayscale file at an obscenely high resolution and then converting it to a Bitmap file using a diffusion dither.

But, and there is always a but...

If you're still interested in the tagged art I'd skip using Photoshop (at least as a first step). Try cutting a stencil and experimenting with different spraypaint techniques. After that dries, scan it into Photoshop. I'd recommed scanning it as a Grayscale file at an obscenely high resolution and then converting it to a Bitmap file using a diffusion dither.

The photoshop was just to give everyone an idea of what i was talking about.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be snitty or anything. Just trying to help.

Actually, I went home last nigh, cut a stencil and painted a bunch of Mando skulls just to make sure I wasn't full of osik.

I ended up with some pretty cool results and a corner of my cellar/dungeon covered with spraypainted, lettersize sheets of cardstock drying and airing out. I also did a couple of contact prints using the wet stencil.

I can't wait to get a bit of freetime to scan these and play a little.

Once again, sorry, I was just trying to help.
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