Mandalorian Pilot

Alpha 02

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Hey Everyone! A few days ago my brother started asking me questions about what a Pilot Mando would look like. After a bit of conversation I found out he is interested in making his first mando, and you might have guessed he wants it to be a pilot. :lol:

I told him i would ask you guys for any ideas. If anyone could post pics or ideas for a pilot mando, that would be awesome!


I think a jet pack would obviously be out of the question. Probably the range finder too. Some tubes leading into the helmet would make sense. Always important to have extra oxygen!
More that likely the RF on his helmet could transmit alternate targeting data to the ship's computer for tracking/shooting/etc. The RF is only activated in the down position, so it makes sense he'd have it down for that type of uplink.

Just like with any mando kit, the RF would be optional for this. I don't think *not* having it there should be any sort of standard for a profession.
Trying to work out the double negative there Novall, I think you're saying that not having the RF is not standard. If it is, I'm wondering if the clone wars mandos are going to really mess things up, I know from my extensive reading that Boba's bucket is a highly modified Mando bucket, just wondering if the clone wars cartoon is making out that the RF was a part that just Boba and Jango had?

I know, I ask awkward questions, though I'll be keen to see the episode, so I know what I need to do to modify my creations to match them more if needed.
The RF is a really awkward part to have sticking out of the top of your head; I broke mine off on doorways several times before I moved to a compact... I think a pilot in a closed, small cockpit canopy wouldnt want to have that sticking out of his head. just my thought.
Trying to work out the double negative there Novall, I think you're saying that not having the RF is not standard. If it is, I'm wondering if the clone wars mandos are going to really mess things up, I know from my extensive reading that Boba's bucket is a highly modified Mando bucket, just wondering if the clone wars cartoon is making out that the RF was a part that just Boba and Jango had?

I know, I ask awkward questions, though I'll be keen to see the episode, so I know what I need to do to modify my creations to match them more if needed.

What I'm saying is that I don't think a certain look is always going to be exclusive to a profession when your talking about a group of irregular warriors. Each person's armor is going to be made of what works for them. =)

As to TCW messing things up: I doubt it highly. I was able to watch a never before seen trailer of the TCW mandos with jetpacks that look pretty much the same as everything we've seen before. So your going to see different looks, but between figures/comics/TCW/movies..theres plenty of different configurations.
In my view, Boba would have enough credits to buy as many stalks as he wanted :P

Novall, what an astute observation. I guess mando's would only eally need the basic armour patterns and materials, the rest is pure conjecture, and as such there a no real defining charicteristics about a set of armour. Oh wait, I'm stating the obvious here.

My opinion on a pilot and I think that we can take the examples of clone pilots and imperial pilots. A chest box presumable would be impractical with the style of armour the mando's have, though maybe pilots wear different styles of armour, like the imperial pilots weaing different armour the the Stormies. Maybe make them smaller and spread 'em out a bit? That's my opinion. My way, i think, would be inrecognisable as a Mando but fairly easy to make...
What I'm saying is that I don't think a certain look is always going to be exclusive to a profession when your talking about a group of irregular warriors. Each person's armor is going to be made of what works for them. =)

As to TCW messing things up: I doubt it highly. I was able to watch a never before seen trailer of the TCW mandos with jetpacks that look pretty much the same as everything we've seen before. So your going to see different looks, but between figures/comics/TCW/movies..theres plenty of different configurations.

No worries, I guess I am a Starwars fan but a Lucas sceptic :)
OK this is something I CAN be helpful with! Now a days a lot of pilots are wearing helmet mounted sights... I think it's something a mando pilot would definately use. Maybe a more compact version of the RF, one that form fits to the bucket. I think the pilot should have some sort of breathing apparatus asside from the standard helmet filters on most mando armor. They would also need a pressure suit of some kind to help compensate for the lack of air pressure and the strains of G-forces that compensators can keep up with. I would prefer to wear a flightsuit that would help me blend into environments while on the ground... but I can also see the value of the bright orange rescue suits that the rebel pilots wear so that'd be an either or type thing in my mind. Also, one thing ALL pilots need is a survival kit. Instead of the normal array of webbelts and drop leg holsters we see on most mandos, a pilot would want to keep his kit high on the body to avoid interference with the flight controls. Probably a harness/vest type kit with a shoulder or crossdraw chest holster. This was originally something I was planning on building and changed my mind.
But at the same point it needs to keep being starwars.

Perhaps the mando needs a chest pack like the tie fighter pilot?
I've been thinking about a pilot mando myself for a while. I'd say I'm probably about 20 percent done with it. I've got my custom flightsuit all made, gear belt made, gauntlet gloves, and have cut the webbing for my flight harness. I did this sketch probably about 2 months ago. Details and colors are not final, but it gives you an idea. I always try to make my mando designs fel like they belong in the original trilogy universe, so I took design cues from the rebel pilots, background pilots, and tie fighter pilots for the look. Hope it gives you some inspiration!

yes! Lonewolf that's very much so something similar to what I was thinking of, like I said tho I think if I were building it I'd put a compact version of the RF on the bucket and keep the holsters and pouches up on the waist or above. I definately would have the TIE/RebPilot type breather box on there tho, and I think the SW style pilot vest is a nice touch.
Thank you so much guys!!!! i showed my brother and he spent a long time looking at this! He is probably going to start his mando soon after i finish mine :D

Thanks again!
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