Jaster Mereel Let me re-introduce myself....

Jaster Mereel

Active Hunter
Hey fellow Mando's, I've been gone far too long & I'm back to tell some stories...

First let me just re-introduce myself... I've grown into the nick name of Jaster because of my Mandalorian attire which is Jaster Mereel. I've been around the block of the good ol' Mandalorians for quite some time. But now I'm back & ready to become active again around the forum!

At the following are some pics of my Jaster Mereel attire from the past couple of years. I'll soon be suiting back up for some future events locally & regionally.

Here are some specs about my Jaster attire...

-Mystery Helmet made of sturdy FB.
-Gauntlets were made of the finest styrene & constructed with 2 high powered LED's that can be seen from a mile away.
-Jet Pack was made from some extra parts salvaged from a few buddies of mine & tossed in with some extras house hold items lying around.
-The chest, ab, shoulder bells, & diamond were constructed from pure STEEL! The armor is a one of a kind & VERY sturdy!
-All armor was weathered to match the appearance of Jaster in the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comic.
-Decals on the shoulder bells were made from a buddy of mine, custom made straight out of the comic!

Not much photos but enjoy, & I'm glad to be back!





Not much, but I'll have more soon enough! In the mean time, I've started re-shooting my Mandalorian Warriors Fan Film. The trailer was placed on Youtube about 2 years back, if you missed it - here it is:
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