Kal's Custom Mando

if u r talking about the lower lobe there, yeah I believe it is... I have to look into it because I plan on removing it as well. It appears to be nothing more than a grip for the shooter to use to hold the blaster... I couldn't find anything significant contained within.
why are they taped? but everything else looks good :D

Ummm... would u believe ballistic matting? lol jk, I wanted to get a nice, consistently smooth appearance that I just wasn't getting with the glass, didn't think about using filler on it... planning on completely rebuilding the gaunts tho.
Thats when i get my learners! YAY i gotta get this thing done for the end of december. Me and my cousin have a troop planned in Drake. Sounds like C1RCAs gonna join us
really? Kandosii! Oya lev'ika! Oya! (too much mando'a?) lol I know it's bad sometimes u guys have to pull up the webdictionary to be able to read my posts...lmao My plan right now is to have MY beskar'gam ready to roll by the first of the year, and to be started on Fi's in early January or so. Then, once hers is ready, I'll start my SAS mando and the 'gam for my vode from home.
Im savin so i can actually make it there (dont know where im going to stay) travel could be hard to arrange but in the end it will be worth it!
yup... I have to look into any discounts I may get... NRA, military, USAA... I'm a member of a lot of organizations that give discounts at hotels, rental agencies, travel agencies etc...
how much would it be for air fee and hotel (maybe i could get my cousin to come, but hes only two years older than me) could get difficult :/
hmmm... I dunno... round trip for me to go from Panama City, FL to Spokane, WA is $1600, hotel prices vary wildly depending on where u stay, what city it's in and what time of year it is, not to mention special events like CV
not to be creepy but maybe some of us could share a hotel room? so we could all find a place to stay

People are probably booking already for this thing
lol I'd say u're proally right... I've already got a roommate ;) but I'm pretty sure somebody will be willing to split cost and go in on a 2 bed room
lol yeah... hey have u guys noticed how we split the same couple of conversations over a lot of threads? lol what r we up to now like 5? 6? Hey Lev'ika I was wondering... oh wait... this would be better for the art threads... check those.
Hey Kal, I got a question... Doy you think it's possible to dye a nomex flight suit to a deep purple? I wanna get my first Mando ready to wear.
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