Kal's Custom Mando

yeah considered that... I think I'm going to go with the hard piece stuff just because I haven't seen it done yet and I think it'd be cool.
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this is probably the wrong thread to ask you this on, but oh well :lol:

What were the names of the colors you used on my mando? It might make it a bit easier when looking for my mando

thanks in advance :D
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yeah considered that... I think I'm going to go with the hard piece stuff just because I haven't seen it done yet and I think it'd be cool.
you could use these pieces as a base for hard parts... Cut sintra to fit around the soft parts, then start glassin'
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hmm... yes I could... planning on using cardboard instead of sintra tho... sintra's a little to difficult for me to work with for some reason.
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Okay here ya go vode... I'm dubbing this Kal v. 3.0! lol Keeps the ALO/TACP function and tactical SAS type mentallity. Kind of like... AFSOC! lol It allows my mando to be a valuable asset on the battlefield and look cool doing it! lmao

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what do u think about the new plan? I'm combining the 2 into one single suit... probably going to go more dark grey with the bucket tho, not so much black.
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I like, I like ;) The blue and the gray go together nicely. (well maybe not back in the Civil war, but you know what I mean :lol:)
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he he yeah I thought so too, but the significant other disagrees! Soo... plan for now is to revert to the original color scheme of Green/Grey/Blue on the new armor design. However, been watching the SG-1 marathon on SyFy (big fan!) and I was thinking, ya know... I wanted something that would resemble the Air Force elite, without doing anything that would violate uniform policy... I'm thinking... green plates on a green flightsuit with black vest and web belt... I'm thinking... this change will keep in theme with my original plan... make my wifey happy and... shouldn't complicate things for Lev'ika with his sketch, since he won't have to change a think (because it's a B&W sketch), it will also allow me to maintain my original (and somewhat popular) color scheme... to a degree anyhow.
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Okay vode... here's the SITREP! I have...

1. Chest/ab/collar plates done and painted
2. A backplate (temporary) done and painted
3. Material for combat suit and vest (grey ripstop nylon) (Can also use OD Flightsuit)
4. Boots (going to use my issued sage green boots)
5. black web belt and a dropleg hoster for the sidearm (may have to change this some)

I still need:
1. Buy'ce (A'den's working on it for me)
2. Gauntlets (Designed... will wait to build until I get moved)
3. Knee Plates
4. Shin Plates
5. Redo Shoulders
6. Pouches for belt
7. Rifle and Sidearm
8. Visor/Light/Laser for buy'ce
9. Accessories to go in pouches/on armor
10. Sew up Vest and Combat Shirt/Pants

As soon as I figure out why my computer is being stupid with my periphials I'll get some progress pics of the plates posted up.
Okay vode, Here's the colored versions of Kal Waco V 3.5 (I think that's what I'm up to now! lol) One of these will be the final version, and it will be the version I stick with for a long, long time. I plan on being able to interchange the Green/Grey battlesuits as necessary (environmental factors). What I want to know from you guys is this... which buy'ce do you like best, which set up do you like best. I personally like the buy'ce on suit 1, with the blue patterns on the check and head, I don't know what color I will make the lense of the "tactical visor" yet tho, so which color... green or red for that? Let me know what you think. Right now I'm still open to suggestions/comments/ideas because I only have the chest plates done right now and the shoulder bells are about 90%, I do have to repair and repaint those.

Kal Waco


blue for the master color or for the lense? I thought about painting the actual visor blue... may still do that... but I don't know if blue would be a good color for the "tactical" lenses... it's not exactly a NV or IR looking lense color... could be UV I guess... that'd be interesting.
BTW... found one of these for $10 at my local Base Exchange... I think it'll make a great Tri-shot for my gaunts. It even has a built-in targeting laser! Guess what I'm going to go pick up tomorrow after work (graduation)! lol BTW... just to share... passed my last qualifyer ride on Monday, so I'm now a fully qualified Air Battle Manager.

congrats! we should get together and have a party :lol:

That would look pretty awesome on a gaunt! pick me up one and bring it to the party :D

lol actually... if anybody wants me to, I can pick stuff up like that and mail it out to you, if it's something you're having a hard time finding and they carry it in the BX... I'm more than happy to help out. I will have to ask for payment/shipping prior to actually shipping
that would be awsome! except my dad controls all paypal :( but i could probably convince him...... oh the bad things about being young!
lol I had my own paypal account at 16... probably wasn't a good thing in hindsight tho... kinda ran up a bill buying Star Wars CCG cards and Airsoft toys on FleaBay
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