Kal's Custom Mando


Well-Known Hunter
Okay vode, as some of u know, I was working on a mando and stopped... that mando plan has now become my future AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command) mandalorian, my efforts to honor my bretheren in arms who are far better men than I, the USAF Air Commandos. Pararescue Jumpers (PJs), Combat Controllers (CCTs) and even tho not AFSOC per say... Air Liason Officers (ALOs) and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs). My mando will be more based on the ALO/JTAC/CCT types... but will honor the PJs in name, because they truely are heroes, each and every one. Working up the final concept sketches... I'll post 'em up soon and let u guys help me pick which mando I will do. I plan to use the armor I already have, with a little repainting of course to make this armor.

Kal Waco
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Okay vode, here's the concept sketches for my AFSOC mandalorian armor. I realize a lot of them look similar, but they are different. Some are done using modified USAF Issue Airman's Battle Uniforms (ABUs) or Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs) for the undersuit. Plates are slightly modded Boba and the Bucket is a custom build commissioned with A'den Kyramuud, that will I hope be pretty similar to the popular but rare MS supercommando Bucket. The logo on the left shoulder plate is still the modified Kentucky Wildcat silouette, but the logo on the right shoulder plate will be a slightly modified version of the USAFSOC logo. Some of the particular mods inlcude a comm antenna on the right shoulder plate (CC Cody style), a laser designator and LED light on the bucket as well as a set of triclops NVGs. The rifle is a highly modded M4 carbine (airsoft rifle) intended to resemble the US Issue rifle since this is in honor of American soldiers. The sidearm is a modded beretta M9 (also Airsoft). Let me know what you think and help me pick the final version.

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Okay, here's my twelve and a half cents.

I was in the US Army, before the changeover to the ACU (Army Combat Uniform), so all my stuff is in the old style cammo pattern. Which is why, for the undersuit, I prefer design two.

With that said, I really dig the heavy leg armor on number five, though I'm afraid the upper girth belt might cause you problems moving around, and might make you look like you have a belly as large as mine (I'm thinking of doing a Santa Mando....).

I also think that for the armor, your coloring on number two is a bit light. I'd darken it down a hair to the shade of the US Army BDU undershirts (t-shirts). But that's just me.

Good luck with the build, and as a US Army Soldier, let me just say "Hooah!".
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Thanks Shuk'Om! I also like #2, but I like #1 too. I was actually just thinking that If I do coyote brown on the plates, and OD webgear... I could potentially have BOTH suits with just a change of the fatigues and boots.
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hmm... hadn't thought about that... might do it, or at least sketch it up to see what it looks like.
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Hey Kal, I was wondering now that you are going in this new direction with your mando. Can i draw your sketch again? It wont be right away but I just thought i would ask :D
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absolutely ner vod, I'd love to see what u can do. I plan on re-working a lot of my squad's armor too.
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he he yeah not sure if I'd want to have so much armor plating, makes the suit a lil heavy and hot... but I do like the way it looks. I dunno tho still leaning toward #1 or #2, but I like the helmet from #3 and probably will go with the unpainted black carbine
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yeah I like 3 too... just can't decide! argh!!! lol I dunno I want it to look definitively USAF... which means probably ABUs or Flight Suit, and I want it to look spec ops which means light and fast.
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lol yeah three is a definate possibility. I already have green plates! I just don't know if I want to go with the tan webgear or not... we'll see, I still have time to figure it out, but I can get the vest itself for around $60... my webgear is a lil more costly at $20 for the belt... around that for all the pouches and then another $20-80 for the holster depending on which one I get... but this is likely to be my same webgear for work so... it's a good investment. Anyhow... I'm off to bed for tonight, so I'll check in with u guys tomorrow.
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Very nice Kal!!! Kandosii drawings ner vod!!! I'm liking the #8 and #10...the blue looks really good!

And it's A'den Kyramud. only one u. :D Let's call it the AK supercommando bucket!!! :p:D:lol:
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