Kal Skirata Kal Skirata

Kal Skirata

New Hunter
I would like to make a Skirata costume and was wondering if anyone else has pictures of there's and if they had any advice on how to and what would be easier cause im a rookie at this.
First of you want to make your armour. Kal's armour is what Karen calls "Classic" which is Jango style full leg armour and armoured spats etc. I spoke to her a while back regarding a Skirata that one of the KOTE Mandos was doing and she told me that Kal's tri-bladed knife is based on a knife her father brought back from Egypt after serving there. It resembles something akin to this:


It's concealed in the housing of the left gauntlet with the blade pointing up, so that it could be drawn and used or thrown with the right hand (out of armour it is kept up his right sleeve, blade pointed down). At the time she hadn't decided for certain if it replaced the flame unit box or not, but thought it the most likely place for it.

Most of the KOTE Mandos info is here:
The knife looks a bit long though. It's only "15 centimeter = 5.905 511 811 inch" So roughly, 6 inches over all.

It's sandy gold, not shiny gold. Think of literal gold sand color. Jsut as long as it isn't al lthat glossy..non-glossy if you can find it. "Order 66" made it clear about that.

"Triple Zero" describes claws marks on the face of the helmet.
Should i make this a clean version armor and say it's a younger version of Kal skirata or go with the claw marks and weathered...What do u all think
it also mentioned red trim and unreadable symbols on the helmet. My own skirata project is on hold until my funds recoup.
It looks like the jumpsuit is also dark grey. It's shown in the full picture of your avatar.

Hasbro's Mil Gilimar figure was originally going to be Skirata, but Karan thought the head mold was too young, and got Hasbro to change the name. It doesn't have the claw marks on the helmet, but that's not surprising since it's a small figurine.
Is the jet pack normally the last thing ppl buy to top off there costumes?...I got to start managing my money better and quit buyin action figures everytime i go to town
From what I've seen, yes. Genreally it's the suit, then the jet pack. But it differs from person to person. I'd reccomend doing the jet pack last.
I honestly just checked here every day on the cargo hold and got the jet pack when I found one that I wanted. The best way is your own way. Go at your own pace, and find the parts you want, never settle. It may take longer, but hey....if something is worth having, it should be worth waiting for, right? (I also understand impatience lol)

I just always pictured each mando with a jet pack with the hopes that atleast some point in there life they more than likely had one...plus they look cool
Karen once said to me that relatively few Mandos have them, most of them consider jet packs a little insane, even for a bunch of insanely psychopathic warriors.
you are right skirata has No jet pack. See the star wars games minature Republic Commando Training seargeant. source 1 the pic that you are using as an avatar source 2 and the same pic with the helmet source 3. though I know some may argue due to the lack of available detail on mthe mini, lack of costume detailes in the 2 pics.
You'd also need to lose the Deece 15a and have the verp shatter gun (that's a pistol) and a custom Westar 34, not to mention the afore mentioned gouges across the T visor trim which should be red as well as what are probably Mandalorian glyphs on the helmet.

As to the artwork, don't forget that Karen isn't the artist, it would be very easy for her to have said to the artist "I see Kal as looking a little like an Ed Harris type character" for the artist to have run with that. Alternatively, and just as likely; the artist could have had the idea all on his own. Infact I'm sure I have read somewhere that she actually visualised Kal as looking like someone else... my memory for the exact details is currently eluding me.
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