Jodo Kast Jodo Kast ref pics and help PLEASE

Darth Cerbius

New Hunter
Okay all you jodo kast costumers out there, I need some help on where to find some reference pics on JK. I know about the comic one, but I was hoping there were others.
Also, I know jodo has a cape, but I was wondering what color, and I was also wondering which jet pack design he had, Jango' or Boba's? (I know the rocket is different)
One last question I have is if his boots are the same as boba's, as well.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Here's a realy good pic. of the Decipher Jodo -

Apparently I am the person you seek.

I got your PM about the Reference CD. I will shoot you the info for getting one. I have a bunch still.

Welcome to the Jodo club....welcome to my obsession.

And that'd be me.



Im lookin' foreward to starting my TEOD though, its slow going's a realy old progress pic. Hoping to have evrything done here within the end of this year, I guess. :lol-


Gonna need to redo the Decipher shoulders though, Im gonna go with the longer "triangular" shoulder bells though, and put the decal on right. :lol
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Thank you all for your help! I should get done with Kast by the end of the summer, and I'll add pics to TDH, and probably the image gallery, to help other Jodo-goers!
Thank you all for your help! I should get done with Kast by the end of the summer

Darth Cerbius, If you plan on finishing your Jodo by the end of the summer, I hope you have a LOT of money and time between now and then. My outfit took three years of piecing it together, and finishing the custom belt pieces and the custom built gun. I worked 3 years of overtime to afford that costume...I hope you have the money and time set aside.

Really, I`m not kidding. I will help you as much as I can, but I think that getting it done by the end of the summmer is unrealistic. What parts of the costume do you have so far?

Lets talk and start brainstorming...
Yeah, I agree with Mr. Craig, you can't rush perfection, and somtimes, not that yours won't look good, but sometimes rushing leads to sloppyness. As in my rushing to get that Decipher helmet done and absoultly jacking up all the visor area,etc. First of all, what version of Jodo will you be doing? What do you plan to make your armor out of (I recommend sintra)? How big is your budget?,etc.
Okay, let's see, I already have the armor, my helmet will be bought this week, the grenades for the sidearm holster just need to be painted... umm...I might have a jet pack waiting for me, I just need to know if Jodo's design is boba or jango's (i know the missile is different)
The flightsuit will be bought soon, after my next paycheck comes in, as will the flak vest for the armor can be attatched to it. Oh, that's another question...What color flightsuit and vest do you use for Jodo?
Let's see...the cape, I'm a noob, and have not seen many pics of jodo, so I don't know if he has a cape, and if he does, what design it is.
After that, it's on to the boots, $140-$170, then, the gloves, I have to stain mine a little to make them darker.
Then, it's on to the guns, and the custom-made stuff on his belt, and then to Mr. Nasty himself: The belt. I have some templates for the belt, I just need to find some gray leather and have my mom sew them for me. So, I'm probably about 20-40% done. (for my percentages, I go by the most expensive things first, the JP, helmet, boots, etc.)
Oh, I forgot about the painting. I have some guys from my garrison, 70th Explorer's, helping me with the painting. My helmet should get to them by next week to get painted, and my armor around the middle of July will get painted, when we have our armor party, as will the JP.
Apparently I am the person you seek.

I got your PM about the Reference CD. I will shoot you the info for getting one. I have a bunch still.

Welcome to the Jodo club....welcome to my obsession.
Your costume is awesome, if I was doing a Jodo, I would use your thread for help, it came out great.
Decipher Jodo's vest and flightsuit are white with some weathering on them,as you can see on the sleves, and TEOD Jodo's vest and flightsuit are grey, like ROTJ Fett's stuff. Decipher Jodo's cape is brown, and I do beleive TEOD Jodo's cape is a dark green, also similar to ROTJ Fett. :thumbsup:

P.S. - Clay, do a Jodo. ;)
Decipher Jodo's vest and flightsuit are white with some weathering on them,as you can see on the sleves, and TEOD Jodo's vest and flightsuit are grey, like ROTJ Fett's stuff. Decipher Jodo's cape is brown, and I do beleive TEOD Jodo's cape is a dark green, also similar to ROTJ Fett. :thumbsup:

P.S. - Clay, do a Jodo. ;)
With the thread of Jodo Kast 3's, and the help going on here, I would, but I have put too much money into the custom to stop now...hehe

This is good stuff, keep it up
Yeah, Craig did a great job with that thread.:cheers
Hopefully I'll have some progress pics. on my TEOD armor within' the month's end, but its been either raining or way to hot to paint these past 2 weeks, so untill the weather levels out, I won't have any progress. :facepalm
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