Female mandolorian


New Hunter
Hi! I am new here, and I have made several costumes (not related to sw), and I want to make a female Mandolorian.

I plan to have 2 blasters similar to Jango's, but not as shiny and new. I will also have a hooded cloak that attatches to the chestplates. I have knee high boots with armor plates on the knees and toes.(I'll show later) There are a lot of things I have that I want to add, but I want to get the basics done first.

Here is what I have come up with so far. Tell me what you think.

The colors are not what I plan on using, its just for contrast.
The gunbelt also rides lower than what is shown, but that is where it will be in relation to the codpiece.

I will have gauntlets, but that's further down the road for now.
WOW! :eek: that looks awesome!!! welcome to the boards Bounty, keep us posted with your progress.......

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Interesting. I would say make yourself a piece that fills in the gap between the bottom of the shirt and the inside of the breast pieces. That way your shirt isn't pulling eyes off your stomach or armor, cause if your trying to look mandalorian...might as well make yourself a close as you can without sacrificing your look. If your trying to go for the sexy look then you want eyes to go to these spots: Waist, stomach, chest, neck, head...pretty much in that order. Having to much exposed cloth up top is gonna take away from the overall sexyness.

Also, I see in the pic that you may be opting out of doing a collar piece. Instead of tossing it out all together, I would make it maybe 2 pieces that form a slight plunging V look. Again, that way you still keep the armor and sexyness both working. The key to doing this with exposed bodyparts is to keep them at a minimum, and only expose the parts that accentuate the armor itself. Stomach, lower back, and neck are really the only parts people are going to see anyhow...but you don't wanna take it to far and make yourself into just another girl in mando. Subtle yet eye catching is the real key to making yourself stand out.

If your looking for something to get your colors down on before you paint, try the MandoMaker program, female edition:


wow...I sound like I need to be on Oxygen or something. *runs off to recharge his manlyness*
Ok here I go on one of my pet-peve rants. No offence to you is ment but I must say that female armor is normaly done in a bad manner. Most people going for a sexy look. Then they make an armor that goes with what they are attempting to do.

Rarely do you see female armor (of any type) that is actualy practical as armor. Yes it looks sexy but that about the only protection the female who is wearing it has. Main points of the body that need to be covered are sacrificed so that they look sexy. For example the tops of the brests are left exposed. Oh yes that looks nice. But one shot there and that woman is dead as dead can be. The tummy is somehting else that is often left uncovered. While this is not as much a problem as the upper chest. The bottom of the ribcage and also the stumic its self need some sort of protection.

*end rant*

As for ideas from an armor stand point. You need some sort of armor on the bottom of your ribcage. Your arms wouldd't be hurt by any from fitting armor ether. Your legs need something covering the skin, maby some sort of skin tight jump suit, your not going to want to go into battle with your thighs compleatly exposed to damage.

Any way there is what I think.
I love the idea, don't change a thing! I think we need more sexy Fett's :thumbsup: and as for what Z-man said, I don't think anyone would be shooting at you in the first place. they'd be too busy admiring your.....ummmmm.........ahhhh......blasters yeah, that's it, blasters. :lol:
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The thing is though that it is her armor, and since it's a custom...it's all about creativity. I say go with it! I've given you some ideas that hopefully would add to the overall sexyness and traditional look of Mandalorian armor. Nothing wrong with showing skin if she wants to =)
Rarely do you see female armor (of any type) that is actualy practical as armor.

Anyone remember that this stuff is M-A-K-E B-E-L-I-E-V-E? :lol: Who cares if it's practical? Who here's been in a blaster battle lately? I say go for it...only, add some PINK or lipstick red to it somewhere! :eek:
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True, make believe.

For the OP - if you're comfortable enough to go around showing some skin, then you could also pull off a skin tight body suit. That would show all of your shape, but could be thought of as a fabric armor of sorts. You could then place and shape your armor plates to accentuate any curvature you may choose to accentuate. Just a thought.

And of course, let's not forget how GREAT armor is at stopping blaster bolts anyway....I'm sure all the TKs we thought "died" in the movies were just wounded. And knocked down. And unable to move. Yeah, that's it...


Anyone remember that this stuff is M-A-K-E B-E-L-I-E-V-E? :lol: Who cares if it's practical? Who here's been in a blaster battle lately? I say go for it...only, add some PINK or lipstick red to it somewhere! :eek:
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I like the concept, but your chest pieces will look odd once you get your under layers on. maybe if you made them a bit smoother and not have so much undercut. But yet, there in lies the problem, make it to fit and it wont look cool... Hope it all works out
And of course, let's not forget how GREAT armor is at stopping blaster bolts anyway....I'm sure all the TKs we thought "died" in the movies were just wounded. And knocked down. And unable to move. Yeah, that's it...

Ok all I was trying to point out is that armor is armor, not a fasion show swimsuit. I know its pretende but still I personly like armor to serve its pourpose, at least in theory, even when it in application doesn't.

And in my defence TK armor is JUNK and that is common knowladge. Its more for a fear factor then for protection of the guy wearing it. And even if your wearing armor there is always a hole in it. Thats how you kill some one in armor you hit a crack in the plates, or something that is exposed. You don't normaly punch a hole in the armor.

I know its custom, its totaly up to her what she does. I was just giveing my thoughts on it.

Edit : Apperently they don't let me use that word on the filter, strange.
I like it. Definitely unique, and perfect for D-Con ;). Who cares if it's "practical", no Mandalorian armor is practical. It's hot and sweaty, you can't move and you can't see. If anything your design is more practical.

Looking forward to see the progress.
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