Other Bounty Hunter Female B. Fett vs Rav Bralor


New Hunter
I am very new and interested in joining the local 501st Midwest Garrison and 70th Explorers. My husband and I both are eager to get involved.

Boba Fett is by far my favorite character <3

Would it be appropriate/acceptable to have a female Boba Fett? Would she qualify for character approval?

Or should I simply go with Rav Bralor? Of course, there are not too many female Mandalorians running around out there...

I did want to shy away from not-traditional characters only because there are limited resources to reference for accuracy.

I might try to mock up something for Rav though. I saw a great build on here for her. Although... the 501st.com status is undefind for Rav. *sigh

....and I am a little short for a Stormtrooper
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Welcome! There are a few Female Fetts or "Femme Fetts" as we call them around! Lady Fett is one of the more popular ones and has a Facebook page.

There is also a newer Femme Fett in the works and I believe her name is Danabanana and is in the UK.

The maker here known as Fettpride, or FP does make female fett armor and can be reached at Fettpride@fettpride.com. It's certainly not an extremely common costume so don't expect to just be able to buy all of the parts, there will definitely be some sewing and creativeness involved!

Much luck on your journey and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
you can also go Nightowl-style aka Bo-Katan. That is atleas a non-fett, female mandalorian, 501th appovable costume so far.

I considered Bo Katan. But there are even less references for her.

And I will just throw this out there. Zam is out of the question. Entirely too much leather fabrication and spandex.
Welcome! There are a few Female Fetts or "Femme Fetts" as we call them around! Lady Fett is one of the more popular ones and has a Facebook page.

There is also a newer Femme Fett in the works and I believe her name is Danabanana and is in the UK.

The maker here known as Fettpride, or FP does make female fett armor and can be reached at Fettpride@fettpride.com. It's certainly not an extremely common costume so don't expect to just be able to buy all of the parts, there will definitely be some sewing and creativeness involved!

Much luck on your journey and I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Thank you Jodo!

I greatly apperciate the information. I will be sure to seek advice from Fettpride once my build is underway.

I am confident in my abilities to create a Mandalorian with support and guidance.

My fear is gaining acceptance with an Expanded Universe Character with the 501st.

My husband will gladly be Boba if I choose Rav. Otherwise, he is content with being a TIE Pilot and leaving me abandonded with my ideal theme.
Chris at FP should definately be able to help with the armor, if he doesn't make it he will know who does. Send him an email, and he will get back to you.
Chris at FP should definately be able to help with the armor, if he doesn't make it he will know who does. Send him an email, and he will get back to you.

Thank you Jc27. I will attempt to connect with him as well. Hopefully those at FP will have reference sources as well. Google Search yields very few results.
I know someone who has a great Rav Valor, and im pretty sure it has been approved. She is in garrison Carida in Pennsylvania. I can see if the guy who helped her still does the armor, as i know him as well :)
I know someone who has a great Rav Valor, and im pretty sure it has been approved. She is in garrison Carida in Pennsylvania. I can see if the guy who helped her still does the armor, as i know him as well :)

That would be incredible! Thank you ^_^

I saw a great build on this forum. Ill seach the link and post it.
I have a 501st approved Rav Bralor, its a great costume, and one of the biggest advantages of Rav over Bo would be that Rav does not need to have a jetpack, which I find are a little bit of a pain to get around in.

There is a good build thread on here for Rav, there are some subtle changes when I got mine approved, mostly with the blasters and turtleneck cape. These are my 501st approval photos:

There ya go..some more help from another Rav! I think Rav is an awesome female Mandalorian :) AprilStorms looks great as well! :)

F4R is correct, if you wanted to go Boba, to get it approved, you'd have to do the standard, male version. The female ones are just a "for fun" kind of thing.
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If you went boba with it which you can. You would need to look like a man for approval.

Boo. And being 5'2''.... I just wouldn't do him justice.

- - - Updated - - -

I have a 501st approved Rav Bralor, its a great costume, and one of the biggest advantages of Rav over Bo would be that Rav does not need to have a jetpack, which I find are a little bit of a pain to get around in.

There is a good build thread on here for Rav, there are some subtle changes when I got mine approved, mostly with the blasters and turtleneck cape. These are my 501st approval photos:


I couldn't agree more about the jet pack.

You look amazing! Did you create every piece or purchase and modify?
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I made my first version about two years ago and based that largely on the action figure. But to get approved it needed to look more like the drawings. So I ended up having to get some parts from Lonewolf the person who made the original.

Namely, this was the leatherwork, gauntlets and blasters (I have a spare set if your interested) the rest I made myself.

If your a small build you may be able to get away with the mannequin torso version, which is much easier, but that wouldnt work for me so I ended up casting my own in fibreglass as well as using PVC for the other parts. The important thing is the armor needs to fit you well and look right.
I made my first version about two years ago and based that largely on the action figure. But to get approved it needed to look more like the drawings. So I ended up having to get some parts from Lonewolf the person who made the original.

Namely, this was the leatherwork, gauntlets and blasters (I have a spare set if your interested) the rest I made myself.

If your a small build you may be able to get away with the mannequin torso version, which is much easier, but that wouldnt work for me so I ended up casting my own in fibreglass as well as using PVC for the other parts. The important thing is the armor needs to fit you well and look right.

The other thing too, which i think is equally important is to actually like the character. Rav Bralor is also know as Vhonte Tervho Vhonte Tervho - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki Well, actually this is where it gets strange. In the books Vhonte and Rav are two different people, though when the Rav action figure was made, it looked like they used Vhonte as the model.

The reference drawings for Vhonte Tervho are draw by Tom Hodges Thomas Hodges - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki He is married to Terri Fontana-Hodges, for whom he named the character Vhonte Tervho (the first visual reference of a female Mandolorian)

So "Rav" was the first. One of the fun things I was able to do when we traveled over to America last year for C6 was to get Terry into my Rav Costume, fitting since the character was arguably named after her

I made my first version about two years ago and based that largely on the action figure. But to get approved it needed to look more like the drawings. So I ended up having to get some parts from Lonewolf the person who made the original.

Namely, this was the leatherwork, gauntlets and blasters (I have a spare set if your interested) the rest I made myself.

If your a small build you may be able to get away with the mannequin torso version, which is much easier, but that wouldnt work for me so I ended up casting my own in fibreglass as well as using PVC for the other parts. The important thing is the armor needs to fit you well and look right.

I'm hoping the mannequin toros will work. I have a rather small build. I just had a baby, so I have still some weight to work off before I start the body and armor.

Can I PM you about the extra pieces you have?
do you have a build thread?
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