Dhagon Syntir's Bucket:

Dha Syntir

Active Hunter
I finally got my camera cases back and was able to take a couple quick pics of my armor-unfinished and partially weathered armor that is. If you see any reddish cast to the bucket, but I think that someone put my camera away without cleaning the lens after using it. Don't be too critical as this is only my second buy'ce and I've only been getting into prop building projects in the last 5 months or so...


Happy Holidays!
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Thanks guys! I finally feel like I'm making some progress finally. I can now go to the Cargo Hold and not be trying to buy everything because I need everything. I'm actually passing things up there now! I'll post some more pics once I get the ears,stalk and rangefinder, and visor installed. I'm having trouble finding small enough wiring to fit both red/black wires through the tiny hole in the BM stalk so I can install the leds in the rangefinder. Anyone know of any suppliers as I can't find any on the Radio Shack site that's tiny enough? I think I bought the smallest they carry-or at least the smallest they had on display...Thoughts? I've been trying to scavenge some wiring from broken appliances etc but no luck as of yet.

Happy Holidays!
Ok guys, I finally found/scavenged wire small enough to fit through my stalk. I cut the main length off of each of my Radio Shack Mini CPU fan, soldered them together and they're plenty long enough to work! Then earlier, I took my electrical tools out of my desk, and underneath was a ziploc with small wire on an older wiring harness from some gadget-it was 6 inches away from me the entire time I sat here typing about that wire being nowhere to be found! :facepalm

Now I have a new issue. I'm not using a hollow range finder to hide a battery and the electronics inside of it. So I have to run the wires down the stalk and through the helmet wall to the inside where the power supply and switches will be. Where the heck do I drill the hole to the inside so that the wires are not shown? The Bobamaker resin stalks hole where the wires come out is 5/8" above the hole where you bolt the stalk to the helmet. Anyone else used a Bobamaker resin stalk that has had this issue before, and hopefully has a solution for my minor problem? Please?Any and all suggestions are definitely welcome, and needed! Thanks guys!

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