Custome Mando Progress

Raz Zencora

New Hunter
First, I would like to introduce myself. Im Jacob. Im new on TDH but im getting the hang of it and I hope I meet a lot more people like me. Im working on a Custom Mando and I think im making great progress! Check out my Helm...



Welcome to TDH!

First order of business is to replace the stock visor and cut out the plastic piece in the middle of the visor area. You can buy a dark welder's visor at Lowes or Home Depot and cut out a new T-visor to replace the stock visor.
A dark green welding visor will run about $5.00 give or take a buck or so.

The helmet looks to be a Rubies Boba Fett. They are noticious for being shaped poorly. There are a couple ways to fix this...

1. You can install a craft ring
2. You can just warn it in boiling water a moment, hand shape it correctly and put it in teh freezer for a couple minutes to set it's shape. This is fast cheap and easy bu, the helmet will warp again.
3. My favorite fix for this and it kills 2 birds with 1 stone... Get a visor from instead of the dark green wedling visor. The visor is a heavy and thick smoked plexiglass. If you force the helmet to shape around the visor when you install it, rather than forming the visor to the helmet, it will correct most of the shaping issues and give the helmet some flair.
Thanks for the info ner vods, but the helmet is fine. I fixed it a while ago because it was screwed up. I guess the right side needs to be pushed out some more... But now im working on the visor and the costume... Do any of you guys have and good advise about plastic bucket armor? Like how to cut it and stuff...
Hi there welcome to TDH :D. Plastic bucket or trashcan? Either way I would advise using a dremel. Those are easy to use and require less arm muscle to cut, I mean its a hand held electric rotary blade/edger/sander/whatever other attachments it has. If the dremel is not available to you, try tin snips. those can be a pain though b/c so much arm power is required. A large box cutter works too, but those can slice your finger (I wouldn't advise this as I sliced the top of my left index finger clear off... :( ).
If you dont like any of those ideas or you dont have a dremel, see if there is anyone else in your area that are in the mercs or on TDH as they often throw armor parties where im sure if you asked they would bring their dremel with and allow u to use it.

Tell is when u get to shaping them as u can shape them and which way with trashcan armor, but that will be another post ;)
Plastic Bucket. And there is no other Mandos in my area as far as I know... My friend made a cool Mando Sniper costume but theres nobody else... Anybody live in Chicago, Illinois?:confused
ya know, that chest piece thingy would look AWESOME over some beskar...with the diamond under the laces...I like it! :thumbsup:

And you might want to fix that visor...dang rubies...;)
Plastic Bucket. And there is no other Mandos in my area as far as I know... My friend made a cool Mando Sniper costume but theres nobody else... Anybody live in Chicago, Illinois?:confused

Mando Mercs Yustapir Clan. Not sure if any of em are close to you, but there is a chapter in your area, so I'd assumer you have a few mercs roving around...

And what I've done on a rubies is just rip (or cut if you perfer neatness. ;) ) the visor out, lay it onto what ever visor replacement you are using, then trace about 2cm bigger all the way around, cut out, place in helmet and trim as necissary.

Whats a good thing to where under the armor? Like im going o use a gray hoodie with gray sweatpants . Is there something better and cheap? (And wont overheat...;))
If any of your relatives have sewing skills, you should get a armor/flack vest made to carry your armor on.

Unfortunately no mater what you do, it's going to be hot. It's armor, not a swimsuit. =)
To cover your neck?

Well, you could do a few things that I've seen some local Mandos do. (as well as myself)

You could use:
-A neck seal like the TK's use.
-A turtle neck sweater's collar. (I used this for a little while)
-Make an armored collar with some pvc pipe or something. (I thought that was cool)
-Or if you use a flight suit like I currently do, you can just use that collar. (It's kinda high)
-One of those ninja face mask things that I've seen some Boba, Jango, and Vader's use.
Oh! And I don't remember if I told you, but I'm using a Don Post Boba helmet too. What I did was cut out that whole plastic visor piece and replaced it with the welder's visor.

If it's a fear of messing up the structure of the helmet, then I'm sure another Mando near you could help. If you can find someone that is. It's actually not too hard, but you do have to be careful.

If you do that, I know that there isn't much extra room for gluing the visor in, but it should be just enough. Just place the welder's visor in front of the helmet's visor and trace it with about half an inch extra room to glue.

I would also suggest getting some bondo to fill in the Don Post logo on the back and the dent. (Unless you want the dent) For extra weathering, I used the "magic sock". (Put some gray/silver paint on the sock while inside out and lightly brush it on the helmet.)
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