Custom Beskar'gam

I am in the very first stages of building my beskar'gam, but being as this is my first time ill ask you fine mando'ade to help me. Right now im trying to decide what color flightsuit then let that dictate the armors color scheme. My choices are,



MARPAT(forest or swamp)

So which do I go with?
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I started work on my flak jacket today,

I think ithe color of the leather matches all the flight suit choices well enough.
Im taking what all of you have said in to consideration, almost decided to make three sets of plates, one to match each outfit but time is a factor. Next month is the comic con in New york got to get my armor done fast. What im trying to decide is which will be my permanant suit, the base of my beskar'gam. Fett wears one set, no mater location. Camo is not to much of an issue I think the colors will work almost in any enviroment.This choice is important because it will dictate the overall color scheme i go with, i.e. boots, gloves, neck seal, etc.

Thanks for your input so far it has been helpful.
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My suggestion for camo choice would be something a little more obscure. If you want more conventional, I would suggest Multicam, the camo pattern developed by Crye. If you do go less conventional and more obscure (which is more what they did in the movies) I would look at getting some type of eastern european pattern. Or go and make/ buy yourself a light colored suit and get a prebble (sp?) sprayer and some camo-ish colors and spray your own custom pattern.

This is just my 2 cents. I am definitely more of a custom mando guy (I'm a designer, so I like being creative) but my opinion is always to try to make things have the right feel or look that is the star wars universe. Common day things like a conventional digi-cam pattern that everyone knows about just seems out of place.

That being said I look forward to seeing what you come up with. I always like seeing what kinds of different directions people take mando design.:)
Being a U.S. Marine myself, I'll just throw my two cents into the mix. The U.S. Marine digital camoflage uniform has alot of history behind it. Although it was introduced to the Corps only a few years ago, it is worn into combat on a daily basis in defense of not only the United States, but many countries worldwide. The uniform is not worn lightly, or taken for granted, due to the heritage that comes with it.
Personally I do not believe that MARPAT uniforms should be worn by non-military personnel.
I don't mean any offense by this comment, and I hope none is taken, but I simply wish you not to make this decision lightly, and keep in mind that there will be many Marines, past and present, who might take offense to seeing our uniform worn improperly.

My two cents.
Just to correct you there, in an "I'm also agreeing" kind of way. There was camouflage in Episodes III and VI, worn by the BARC troopers on Kashyyk and the Rebel Commandos on Endor. That said I agree whole heartedly that 20th-21st century Earth camo schemes do not fit in to the Star Wars universe. Look at the examples I've listed above and pictured below, the camo designs are original not borrowed from the US Armed Forces or taken from the British Army. By all means have camouflage, but why not be original or something seen in Star Wars?



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Being Canadian, I say thanks for the kudos. However, I too feel that, not only is it disrespectful of the military nature of the uniform, but any sort of camouflage just does not fit in the Star Wars universe. If you look at the costumes in the movies, you never see any camo. I've never seen any in comics, figures, or video games either. I know it's a custom, but custom does not mean "anything goes." It still has to look like it came from the Star Wars universe, and camo just doesn't.

I might have to correct you there Shawn. I spotted numerous examples of camoflage right through the movies, and comics. While it's not common, it's still there, such as the BARQ troopers on kashyyk in episode 3, or the rebel troopers on Endor in return of the jedi. In the comics, Rebels used it alot, most notibly rogue squadron when on ground missions. Makes sense if your hiding in the bushes that you don't wear a bright white hemet or suit of armour.

It has it's place, but i do have to suggest it's not commonly seen in Mando's because they really don't care if you see them coming or not, either way your dead.
Well my fellow Mando's the contraversy of Camo Madno or not is over, at least for me anyway. I was out shopping with the wife yesterday when i came across a jet black flight suit. It fits the bill, matches the paint I already bought and the vest as well. I'm going to post a pic of me in the Flight suit and vest later today. Though I was dead set on my digis this suit kinda seem right for the job. Plus I dont have to sacrifice my one of my favorite paintball camos.
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