CMDR. Voltaire Rebuild (FINAL)

Replicant Shadow

Active Hunter
After losing a significant amount of weight (thank you Spartans and P90X:thumbsup:) I have realized the need to significantly re-vamp my first costume; my own vision of a hybrid/variant of a Cold Assault Clone Commander, circa Order 66+5. This will be, along with my concurrent, new AOTC clone build, my final project (I think) Hell, this project is really representative of an entire wardrobe overhaul. I need to refit everything from board shorts, t-shirts, business suits and my snowboard gear, everything. Might as well make sure I am fitted and equipped for the next Galactic skirmish !

The helmet will be the first job to tackle. Starting with the helmet first seems to be the way I like to get things rolling. It helps me set the tone for the overall project. My current helmet is an MR Basic, heavily modified into a clone Inclement Weather Helmet. The helmet is seen on Commander Bacara, in ROTS. Initially, Bacara started off as a “Tank Driver” in pre-production (see ILM image below) Though I like my current helmet, it still suffers from a handful of subtle inaccuracies. Not to mention, weighs as much as a bowling ball.

The I.W.H. helmet is actually two helmets in concept; a standard Phase-II helmet with outer helmet and “neck guard” (as they are referred to on ancient Samurai helmets) that can be removed. The outer helmet also has two communications mandibles, a receiver and antenna. I will be making a modification to the inner helmet with hook-up’s to solidify the concept when the outer helmet is off. Typically this helmet has two face shields on either side of the faceplate mandibles, though I like the look of the face shields off, for this character.

ILM Pre-Pro image (for basic concept reference only)

The new helmet will have a removable, light weight outer helmet. Here are images of my current helmet, as the outer helmet will be the base Master for the new helmet pull (I am not sure what material we will be pulling at this time)






The primary problem at this time is in fact the dome. My current helmet dome is effectively the existing dome minus the Communications Fin (or Mohawk) rendering it inaccurate. The front of the dome needs to rise higher, and then swoop back over the Mohawk, tapering off at the back. In the case of my current helmet (the master) I filled the gap with bondo, sanded and prepped for a smooth finish.

Master Build-Out


I will post in a few days further narration and images of the Master build-out.
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Grats on the weight loss man! I know that feeling well, man. Yeah it sucks have to spend the $$...but the great feelings are worth every penny.

I've always thought your clone commander was the best out there, hands down.
Thanks for the support folks! This thread will progress slowly over the next 30 or so days, due to the fact that I am waiting for new components to become available. Hence retro-documenting with WIP helmet pics from last year (pre-CIV prep), when I started work on the Master helmet. This evening, I have been mulling over armor ideas and options, and I decided to swap out my Imperial Snowtrooper cod, with a Fett cod for the Commander. I am in the market for a metal Jango cod if anybody has one to offer for sale.


I like how the Fett cod has the two ridges that angle inward. I think that will work in concert very well with the lines of the center indentation of the Clonetrooper Ab-plate, which angle outward near the top, right below the chestplate (see image below)


Finally tonight, I have been considering adding a Rangefinder to the mix, and here are a couple of images of a quick mock-up (rangefinder from a Rubies Jango) I will be going Bobamaker, and it will be fully operational, if I decide to go with it (has to look legit and believable otherwise I will nix it):


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You relise evrytime you change something to this costume, a kitten dies, right? :lol: :p ;) In all seriousness, this has always been one of my favorite costumes, and I can't wait to see some more progress, Mr. Slim. ;)
I'm not sold on the rf only because you already have that other antennae on the other side. Everything else looks fantastic though
Yeah Apollo I hear you on that. It's to busy looking. I may ditch the antenna, which is to have it removable, between character changes. The final helmet will allow me to switch out components between my new Bacara and this revamped snow costume.
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No progress as of yet. Focusing on getting my SE Fett ready for SDCC and D Con, plus awaitng a new line of clone parts :) Should be revisting this the first week of August.
Well it's obvious that this thread has been dorment for some time, but in the name of SDCC 09', this project is out of remission. Last time I wore this costume at SDCC was back in 2006, my first convention in armor.

The goal for me here is too get more Galactic Marine aspects in play, without over kill. Less is more. This version will be much sleeker and more refined, with a Vader-esque edge and samurai stance. The beauty of this build is that I can use my new Sci-Fire components for a very accurate upgrade.

First up on this rebuild are the forearms. As I have mentioned in my Sci-Fire build thread in the Republic Clone Troopers Sub-Forum, the forearms are being built up to be thicker (per reference), where the use of foam blocks will no longer be required. Currently,the left forearm is at about 85% completion (30% right side)

Left Forearm Armor



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