Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
As mentioned in previous posts, on Nov 1 we will be implementing our stepped membership program. Stepped Membership is a new member structure that will limit new members ability to see/post at the Sarlacc Pit and the Cargo Hold. It will also limit a new member's ability to create a new thread, giving them time to see who we are and how we work before giving them access to the entire board.

Our purpose behind creating a stepped membership is three-fold:
  • Give new members time and opportunity to learn and adjust to TDH's culture.
  • Encourage members to participate and reward them for their participation. We currently have over 2000 members with a 0 post count.
  • Ensure our members are here for the right reasons. Members who have nothing to contribute towards the hobby will not be able to simply post randomly because they will not immediately haev access to the Off-Topic forum.

The structure we are setting up will work as follows:

When does a new member get full access?
In short, after being a member for MORE than 14 days and making more than 9 posts.
A member with less and 14 days of membership and less than 5 posts is considered a "new member" and has the most restrictions. Once a new member has 5 or more posts AND has been here MORE than 14 days, they will be automatically promoted from a new member to an “intermediate member.” Once they have 10 or more posts AND have been here MORE than 14 days, they will be automatically promoted from intermediate member to “full member” and will have full access to the board.

What can/can’t a “New Member” do?
CAN create new thread and post in a Welcome/introductory forum.
CAN reply in forums but cannot create new threads.
CANNOT view the Cargo Hold.
CANNOT view the Sarlacc Pit.

What can/can’t I do as a “Intermediate Member?”
CAN create new thread and post in a Welcome/introductory forum.
CAN reply in forums but cannot create new threads.
CAN reply in the Cargo Hold but cannot create new threads.
CAN view the Sarlacc Pit but CANNOT post.

Here is the important thing to note.
Current member WILL NOT be grandfathered in! The stepped membership system is automated. We do not manually control it. The system counts your number of posts and days registered and automatically places you into the appropriate group. What does this mean? SOME OF OUR NEWER MEMBERS WITH LOW POST COUNTS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY PLACED INTO THE NEW OF INTERMEDIATE MEMBER GROUPS AND WILL LOSE ACCESS TO THE SARLACC PITT AND CARGO HOLD. We are stating this now so we aren't inundated with "why can't I see the cargo hold PMs and emails after Nov 1.

I am sure some new members will not be happy with this change but we feel this change will benefit the majority of the community in helping focus the membership on subject relevant to this site.

If you would like to learn more, visit this link

I completely support the move of the Administration on this issue...

Great move.:thumbsup:

I think it will allow new members to become more involved aswell.:thumbsup:
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I am new and I feel really very comfortable with you and I believe that day per day I am finding my place in the world and east belongs one to them, I find the idea interesting, it is very difficult to administer, so many members, good luck and I am with you!!!!!
Im like a 3 day year old here LMAO but this sounds like a great idea. I used PMing whilst I couldn't post so I could get ideas and such and basically learn how to work this set up
This is certainly not an idea we pioneered but one that we feel will help focus this community and will help newer members ease into our community and have more time to get a feel for who we are and how we operate. We hope this will help to eliminate some of the frustration and confusion we have seen from both new and old members alike.
This is certainly not an idea we pioneered but one that we feel will help focus this community and will help newer members ease into our community and have more time to get a feel for who we are and how we operate. We hope this will help to eliminate some of the frustration and confusion we have seen from both new and old members alike.

Totally agreed!
I just come on here to read, view pics, and purchase on the Cargo Hold. I never post because I don't feel like I have anything to contribute. Been on here since 04 with multiple accounts, I forget my PW. Now I'm blocked from the Cargo Hold :cry "Oh the humanity!!!"
In fact I just purchased something from the CargoHold lastnight.
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