
Hi Thomas,
You wrote "Is the armor god?" I would have to say no. I don't worship my armor or pray to it.

Just playing!!!!! I know you meant "gut" instead of "Gott." :lol: I lived in Germany for 3 years, and my German is terrible!!

Bobamaker's armor is very good indeed! I own a set of his armor and it's really nice, high quality stuff! :thumbsup: If you do a search on the board you will find a lot of threads about his armor.

Viel Spass! (I hope that's right! ;))

I have owned two full sets of Bobamaker armor from neck to knees, and I've been completely satisfied with the quality.

You can use the search feature on TDH to find more threads about Bobamaker's armor, and you can browse the armor forum to see what other alternatives are available.

Thanks guys,

i have the helmet but a frend says, the armor is not so good.
Therefore i ask you:)

i have bought all metalparts from Fenixprops for the costum. I think, the parts very accurat to the original. Now i need a good armorunfortunately the armor from Bobamaker are not complete.

Ok, Bobamaker i come8)

Were can i buy good gauntlets? MoW don´t sell at this time:( his gauntlets are superp!!!


Keep an eye on the Cargo Hold. This stuff will occassionally pop up. Also you could PM ruffkintoy and see if he has a set that we could sell you. Good luck on your search, and welcome to your obession.
Everything I have received from BobaMaker is of the highest quality and I intend to have a BM suit when the money starts coming in
Bobamakers stuff is awesome, and he is a great guy to deal with. I would probably refrain from posting a link to his website though, its frowned upon
Been a member for a few years now, and only recently bought my first Helm..a BM. ;)

Daz does very very nice work, you can't go wrong with him. :cheers

Stay safe,

I have Bobamaker armor, helmet and jumpsuit weathered and painted by him, MOW gauntlets..........wait............... a picture is worth a thousand words...........

Thanks guys for the information.

You helped me very much.

@Cojote850: Your costume loocks very nice!!! Hope mine looks likewise...

If my costume is finish, i post Pics.

Greetings, Thomas
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