
wow... fenix props has some nice looking stuff. anyone have experiences with them?

I believe I have in a roundabout way ended up with a set of his boot spikes- they look identical to the ones he sells, including the way they are attached. They are a "one size fits all" size, so I had to bend them into shape a bit... that affected the angle of the spikes a bit, but nothing I'd worry about. The spikes are glued to the bar, and if they are the same as mine, you're going to want to remove them and reglue them with goop or something otherwise they may end up falling off. Once reglued with some strong stuff I feel confident that they are staying put. I haven't trooped in them yet, but they seem stable. Those two things are the only issues I had with them, and for the price I didn't mind at all.


ps- bobamaker rocks. I have his jumpsuit, vest and shin tools. Can't be beat.
Does anyone know of another way to contact him besides his site. Microsoft Office isn't being nice to me and when I tried to use hotmail it said it couldn't deliver the email. SO I'll try PMing him on the boards here, but was wondering if anyone had another way.

Thanks for any help guys.

P.S. might help if I said what I was looking to get from him huh :p But I'm looking to get a T Visor from him.
I understand that BobaMaker is probably a very busy person with his excellent reputation. How long does it normally take to get a reply to email for information? How long should I wait to send a second message without being rude?

Has anyone purchased any JANGO FETT beskar'gam from BobaMaker? Does anyone have any photos of his JANGO gear? Thanks for your assistance.
I've never had a problem with him returning emails, even when he was on vacation he got back with me right after he returned. Daz is a really nice guy.
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