Studio Scale Slave I


New Hunter
Hello. I'm not sure this is the right section to post this. I'm making a studio scale Slave I, using the same kit parts as the original filming model. When the master if finished I'll be making molds then casting the parts in fiberglass and resin to make a lighted model.

Here's where I am so far.






Have a couple questions..

1-How do you know what original kits did they use?

2.- Once you finish it. Will you sell the kits?


Regards and Merry Christmas

Richard! You're here. :) Of course, I've also been following this over on RPF and the RI. Can't wait to see more!
This would display so well next to my Falcon. ;)
I love the size of the model! I normally don't collect studio scale models, but this has definitely caught my eye. I hope you'll also figure out a way where this can somehow be propped up and displayed without putting any structural strain on the model.
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