cutting sintra

trying to cut according to WOF's JP plans lots of tight cuts though. dont have a bandsaw andscoring wont work here..also dremel cutting wheel wont make those curves.:facepalm
X-acto knife with a couple of passes does the trick.
If it's a straight line you can just do one or two passes and then snap the piece off and tidy up the edges. Watch your fingers though ;) .
I've found this to be the best thing for cutting thick sintra with a Dremel:


Doesn't gum up like the Dremel abrasive cutting wheels. The cuts are literally paper thin too. You can curve it a little bit, but for tight curves, I just make several passes at different angles and then go back and round them out with the Dremmel drum sander tool.

FYI: I've never seen these in "official" Dremel accessories, only at places that sell generic "rotary tool" accessories. I found mine at "Big Lots" (AKA Pick N Save and MacFrugals in other parts of the country) for $2.49.
I usually use a cutting wheel to cut out my rough piece of suntra as close as possible to the template. Then I switch to a sanding drum to sand to my marks. THen use sand paper to smooth the edge and sahpe.

WEAR GOGGLES AND A RESPIRATOR. A cheap dust make won't cut it. Don't breathe this stuff, espacially if it's melting.
wait wait wait... sintra smoke is toxic??... :confused awwwwwwwwww ****..::looks around:: it was only once:lol:

yea the dremel is a saver and the wood or dry-wall cuting bit should work well.
wait wait wait... sintra smoke is toxic??... :confused awwwwwwwwww ****..::looks around:: it was only once:lol:

yea the dremel is a saver and the wood or dry-wall cuting bit should work well.
Chlorine Gas is very toxic, the smoke is a faint green/brown when the laser hits it. We have all of the smoke vented out of the room though.
Which is smart. Working alone is not a good idea; if you injure yourself in a way that can incapacitate you (inhaling dangerous fumes, excessive bleeding, etc), it's always good to have someone there who can watch over you.

and laugh at you too, cuz you know, its allways funny when friends get hurt. they laugh and then ask if you're ok
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