Beginning the Jet Pack


New Hunter
Beginning the Jetpack

I figured this build deserves its own thread and since I can't yet post it in its appropriate section, here it remains.

I've printed out the templates and here's where I am so far.

So I'm gonna sit here and scratch my head until my scalp bleeds while I try to figure this out. Once my epiphany hits me I'll run to Walmart to get my supplies and jump right in. :lol:


  • Jetstart.jpg
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I've already run into a snag apart from trying to figure everything out.



I bought 3" PVC pipe for the center of the pack however it seems that I maybe should have gotten 4" piping. The sides I got 2" pipe and I believe it will work well, I just have to guess right as to how long it should be.

Once that is sorted out I just have to figure out how the pieces for the pyramid type structure between the side and center tubes goes together to keep moving on with this project.


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Interested to watch your progress. Im working on scratch built armor and gauntlets right now. Jet Pack will come after I finish those. Good luck to you. Are those the WOF templetes?
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Hey bud, nice start. You may want to consider a section of rain water guttering for the center section. It will leave a gap of around 5mm when the flat sides go on, but the vast majority is covered leaving just a small section at the bottom to fill which is an easy job.

The other way would be to bend some sintra to the desired arc?

If you need anymore help shout up buddy and good luck.

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I figured this issue out! Now just on to figuring the rest out. The center pipe I'm using is 3" and the exterior one is 4". Hopefully everything else will work itself out.



Yes these are the WOF templates I'm using and he has done an amazing job. I am simply a tard and need to stare at them for a while to visualize how they go together.

The guttering idea and sintra would have worked but I had fixed the issue before I saw the post but thanks anyway!

Does anyone sell a cast of the top rocket that people know of? Otherwise I'll start on that once I get bondo on the base.


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Heres my assemby of the right half of the jet pack so people can interject wherever necessary.


^Here you can see my placement of the top deck. It was mostly a guess and I did the best I could given the reference pictures.


^Here is a picture showing where I had to extend the flat panel up to the bottom of the deck. This is the first thing that made me think that the placement of the deck was too high.


^Here is a picture showing my attempt at wraping around the angled details for the side tubes. I used the left most corner edge of the wrap as a point of reference and then glued it flush with the middle deck to get the angled right. As you can see the top right corner didn't quite match up correctly.


^At the bottom you can see there is a little bit of a gap at the bottom of the fin. Its not too big a deal but it was another indication that either my printouts were too small or the top deck was too high.

Now here is where the main question comes in.

^I've figured out what to do with these two pieces.


^But I don't know what these pieces are for. They look like just 2-D copies of the pieces in the previous picture however the widths are different.

If anyone can help me identify the use of these that would be great. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'll be working on my gauntlets, helmet, and armor while I let this post soak. Meanwhile have a Happy and Safe New Year!






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Hey bud, looks like you are coming along nicely. The top plate looks about right maybe a touch high but looks fine. You do need to give it a depth fo about 10-12mm however. Not sure why you have the second top shelf half way down, but what ever works. Also, the bottom of the pack should be at quite a steep angle, which you will need to cut into the bottom of the center section tube! Also you may have a problem when painting the missile housing tube on the top shelf, you don't have enough room to get the black band around it, could do with being a little longer.

Don't want to put you on a downer as you are putting together something worthwhile but I try to be truthful and not just agree. And bud if you get stuck anytime feel free to pm me! Here to that the TDH motto?

Here is a link to one of my builds, it may help.... pack Jango72 did a great thread also, very inspirational. Hope some of that helps you out and keep it up.

I have an update to add myself, will get to it later today with any luck, just need some more primer.

Bobby. :cheers
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Quick snapshot before I go back to school tomorrow. I have most of the issues worked out and now I just need to sand and fill and even things up a bit.




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Hey bud....getting there. Looks like a thin plastic material if you find it needs some strength to allow you to put enough pressure on to sand it properly you can use expanding foam in those areas to make it more rigid.

Keep it up bro!
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