Armor ideas for a tall skinny guy. . . Seriously


New Hunter
I'm 6'7", small frame, about 185 lbs. I'm trying to think of some type of armor I could make/aquire that would look good on someone who is tall and thin. The only thing I've been able to think of is possibly an emperor's royal guard. But those helmets I hear are very restrictive and very uncomfortable, so i'm not so big on that idea. Does anyone have any suggestions? If you have pics of what you are talking about if you do have an idea and could post them that would be excellent. Thanks!
Well, Theres no stopping anyone from doing Fett. If your worried about being my hieght, but skinny, I'd say get bigger. I may be tall like you, but I'm physically proportionate, Im not fat either (Well, I can still lose some weight). My only suggestion is since you have the potentional to be as big, or even bigger then me, you could start working out, or weight training. Then you can find that you'll eventually get bigger through muscle mass. Other then that, start eating your wheaties.....

Now, if you dont want to essentilally get "bigger," you can just take al the parts of the suit, and cut them down, or resize them to your proportions. I know as well as you do, finding ANYTHING (especially pants and shoes) that fits perfectly is almost impossible. fortubatly, my jango helmet is large enough, and it appears proportionate to me.

Like I said, you can just adjust the suit to fit you, or if you want to take it a step further, even make yourself bigger (not fat no lol). Ive never been skinny, well I was when I was like 6, but since then, ive been taller then all my teachers. Goodluck with your suit.

Add about 20-25 ponds and do Vader. The Dark Lord of The Sith is always popular at events. But be preprared to spend some money on a good Vader.
No one suggested a wookie ? That's right, no armor.

Here's a crazy idea. A wookie in madalorian
armor. It would need some, actually a lot, of conceptualization,
but it could be done.

Actually a 6-7 Fett is larger than life and always will go over well.

Lastly, the recommendations on a Vader are on target. If you use
boots with 'lifts', you'll apporach 6-10. Most Vaders, despite how accurate
they are, are a bit short in height. And being slender will fit perfectly'
for a younger Vader.
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I figured I'd get some Vader suggestions lol. I didn't really want to do vader because, well, I can see there being more than one guy walking around in mando armor somewhere. But showing up at an event where there is more than one vader would be like 2 girls showing up to prom in the same dress.
My head is also about 24 and 3/4" around, I've yet to find any kind of mask I can fit in to so I'm going to have to get a custom I imagine $$. And it would probably be damn near impossible to get a Vader helmet that fits.
Another reason I didn't really want to do a Vader costume. I really like having something custom, Like if it were mando, having an original paint scheme for example.
I may still look into doing Vader at some point, but for now, keep the suggestions coming, and thanks for all the feedback thus far.
Guys, yes he might make a great Vader. But for some reason he wants to be a Fett Head. Can you blame him? All I can say is proportion, proportion, proportion! Who cares how tall or short a person is. As long as it looks to be in proportion.

Here is what I would do. First, choose your path: Boba, Jango, or a variation. If you know that you want to do a Boba or Jango, get a reference CD or DVD. Then search for the CAD drawing that Wizard of Flight has done. Then start with one part and go from there. You might start with the chest armor. Print out the size that looks to be good for you. Tape it together and see how it looks on you. If it needs to be smaller or larger increase or decrease the size. There is no one size fits all. Then do that with each part. For example, on my Jango knees, I made 10 print outs to find the size that worked for me.

For parts like the jet pack, gauntlets and helmet, you will need to ask, who has the largest whatever and ask people to PM you. I think right now, the person who make the largest gauntlet is MOW for both Boba and Jango.

Hope that got you going in the right direction.

Guys, yes he might make a great Vader. But for some reason he wants to be a Fett Head. Can you blame him? All I can say is proportion, proportion, proportion! Who cares how tall or short a person is. As long as it looks to be in proportion.

Here is what I would do. First, choose your path: Boba, Jango, or a variation. If you know that you want to do a Boba or Jango, get a reference CD or DVD. Then search for the CAD drawing that Wizard of Flight has done. Then start with one part and go from there. You might start with the chest armor. Print out the size that looks to be good for you. Tape it together and see how it looks on you. If it needs to be smaller or larger increase or decrease the size. There is no one size fits all. Then do that with each part. For example, on my Jango knees, I made 10 print outs to find the size that worked for me.

For parts like the jet pack, gauntlets and helmet, you will need to ask, who has the largest whatever and ask people to PM you. I think right now, the person who make the largest gauntlet is MOW for both Boba and Jango.

Hope that got you going in the right direction.

Thats the thing though, yeah I'm tall, but small framed. So where you were talking about the biggest gauntlets, for something like that I'd probably need smaller than average. I hate shopping for new clothes :(
Thats the thing though, yeah I'm tall, but small framed. So where you were talking about the biggest gauntlets, for something like that I'd probably need smaller than average. I hate shopping for new clothes :(

Then before you buy a set, if the there is anybody in your area or check with the local 501st Garrison and see if anybody has a let that might let you try them on. You don't want them too small. I had to put padding in mine to make them fit better.
Then before you buy a set, if the there is anybody in your area or check with the local 501st Garrison and see if anybody has a let that might let you try them on. You don't want them too small. I had to put padding in mine to make them fit better.
Thanks for the info, not sure how to get in touch with my local 501st Garrison though. I'm a n00b to the costuming thing. I'm located in Texas if that helps?
I'm just average sized and damn skinny. 5'9" and now 115lbs.

If you want to be a Fett, do what Asok said and find the WOF templates, and print them to your size! I can even get them laser cut for you if you wish. Anyone can be a Fett!!
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