Zam Wannabe


New Hunter
Anybody know how to make/start a Zam Wesell costume? I promised my friends that I would go Trick-or-treating (yes, I still go Trick-or-treating) as Zam and they are looking forward to it SOOOOOOOO much, so I don't want to let them down. Any tips for making a low-budget Zam? Thanks! :zam
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Joan Fabrics (or some other fabric store you may know of). Always a store I like to window shop for potential costume materials (I made a great Final Fantasy costume that held up great for a year or two using their fabric). Other than that, I couldn't tell you.

I'm sure there's other members that know more about Zam than I ever could (I devote a lot of my time to Boba) but good luck! Hope this helps.
Also, I can draw Zam just fine if I draw the veil over her face... Any tips on how to go about making the helmet and stuff for the costume? Thanks, everyone, for your support!
The helmet you could get a bowl and cut the indents on the side of the helmet and fill it in with something (like cardboard and bondo). those binoculars could be made out of those frilly opera viewer things and just paint them to match. Various hardware parts could be used to piece the greeblies (I don't know a lot about Zam so I couldn't tell you about specific parts). The veil parts can be found at Joan's or any other fabric store!

Hope this helps you out. Can't wait to see pics once the ball starts rolling!
I'm not trying to be mean, Archaster777, but I'd like the community to help. I don't want to get all my Zam info from just 1 person... so.... I'm sorry if this comes off as dismissive, but I may need more info. Sorry, Archaster777.
Come on guys there's gotta be some Zams on TDH somewhere![/QUOTE]Thanks, ol' buddy! Let's round up some more recruits to help with Zam! Anyone out there who's an expert Zammer?
Anyone out there who's an expert Zammer? 'Cause my friends are looking forward to Halloween as I promised them I would be Zam this year... and now they're REALLY looking forward to it...! I really need some assistance here, fellow Zammers! ~ HothLeia109714
Oops! I forgot to ask if anyone approved of my going as Zam for Halloween... Does anyone here approve? Thanks for all the ideas, Archaster777, by the way.
Anyone else approve of my trick-or-treating as Zam? If so, please post it. If not... well, you can still post it if you want to. Thanks for your support, everyone.
If you want to be Zam for Halloween, go for it. I'm not sure why anyone's approval here matters.

Keep in mind that many (most? all?) of the folks who are on this forum are building Zams for costuming beyond Halloween, and usually that means building it to specs that would get approved by the 501st Legion. This is not a cheap, fast, or easy project. My Zam has cost me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars so far, and she's still not done. This forum is filled with information that everyone has used and added to along their journeys. You might just want to pick one piece of the costume to focus on, search the forum for info on that one piece, and then adapt what's been done so far into something more affordable for you. Ask specific questions in those specific threads rather than asking very general "how do I make this costume" types of things, and you'll be likely to get more responses and help. When you finish one piece, move on to the next piece. Eventually you'll get a complete costume that you can wear.
Keep in mind that many (most? all?) of the folks who are on this forum are building Zams for costuming beyond Halloween, and usually that means building it to specs that would get approved by the 501st Legion. This is not a cheap, fast, or easy project.
Thanks for the info! I know it won't be easy, quick, or cheap, but it's either this or Commander Cody. Cody's cute and all, but I'd have to modify the armor to fit right. Anyway, thanks!
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Well, Cody's probably easier, quicker, and cheaper, but I would have to modify the armor quite a bit to account for the upper torso. So... any help with that would be appreciated! ;-)
Sintra for sale signs work well you can heat them up with a space heater mould em to shape and they hold paint well! Plus they are cheap( if you know the right people free!) i did a budget vader like this last haloween took me a few weekends and a hasbro bucket to top it off but it was a respectable haloween costume that impressed everyone so wins all round good luck with whatever project you choose! My last bit of advice is go with your skill set if youre not very confident with prop building etc dont be too ambitious you dont want to bite off more than you can chew and then get hundreds of dollars and hours into it only to end up with a train wreck on your hands!! Been there and its not pretty......!
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