Space Coast Zam


New Hunter
Hello there. My name's Otter and I have from the Space Coast (where space shuttles launch) of Florida. I've been involved in the 501st since 2007 and currently have a biker scout.

It's been a long time coming (thinking, anyway), but I'm finally starting on a Zam. After stalking the boards and reading through thread after thread, I'm realizing this is an amazingly difficult costume to pull off and probably doing Jango Fett would be easier. But there's just something so incredibly awesome/sexy/intriguing/fun about Zam - I have to do the costume.

I'm concerned because A) I'm 5'10" and I feel like that's too tall, B) I'm big boned and the actress definitely wasn't so maybe that will look weird?, C) if you girls have trouble with the helmet not fitting, then I definitely will. But I just can't get the costume out of my head.

I'm shooting for a completion date of about a year and a half so I can take my time and afford it. I'm not going for 100 percent screen accurate, but close enough is good for me. There's always time for upgrades.

So hi, hello. Thank you for all of your fantastic research over the years. It has been a blast reading it, and I look forward to piecing together my very own sexy, purple bounty huntress over the months. :thumbsup:

Welcome Otter... Zam is a difficult costume, but it you take your time and are willing to do the work, I'm sure you'll have a fantastic costume! So you're from Florida... I know some of those Florida 501st people.. (Not sure I want to admit that in public though ;) )

I wouldn't worry about the height or "big-boned" issues... just adjust the scale of costume to fit you and you'll be fine. The real Zam was VERY Tiny... not short but tiny... So we've all had to make some adjustments... believe me!

The helmet can be reworked to fit.. either with dremeling away - or in extreme cases, cut apart and put back together to fit you better. So... don't worry about it... you'll get it work! :D

Again... welcome to TDH and good luck with the costume!
Welcome Otter!

Geez, if I'd known how hard it would be to do Zam, I might have thought twice. But it's fun now that I have it on a track of functional and improving.

One word of warning, some of the pre-made parts you can get from our talented and wonderful artists here at TDH are sized for small people, such as the helmet, vanbraces for arms, and shin guards. You may need to resize them yourself to fit (I had to, and I'm 5'7" and working out). There are techniques to resizing these pieces and the quality is really good for the casts, so I recommend them.

Also a lesson I learned was that wearing the outfit around the house first exposed some issues of all the pieces getting along with each other. We got some bugs out before I walked around the con. Not all of them, unfortunately, but the more pre-testing you can do, the better!!

Have fun and good luck! The TDH community is the BEST and can help you!!

Good to know. Yeah, I'm 5'10" and I've noticed most Zams tend to be shorter. I'm not heavy, I'm just not small-boned like the actress. So any tips on that would definitely be appreciated. :)
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