New Zam Wiki on 501st NEG

my philosophy is share the things we sense in being so over-protective of the things we figure is only costuming afterall and i like to share the knowledge i have and have gained with anyone who may be looking for information. I'm more than happy to pass along the tricks and tips ive found.
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I have shared the things that I have learned. 1/4 of the posts on the TDH in regards to zam costuming were started by me. It's just nice to give credit where credit is due. BTW all the reference CD pics were created by Dustin Crops Boy and are his images.
It's just nice to give credit where credit is due.

i would love to, and we do when we can...but before i got the cd..most of the reference pics i got on my hard drive i got from google...

speaking of giving credit...thank you moncal for everything, you have been a MAJOR help in getting this costume up and going, thank you.
For the record she has no problem with you using any of the pictures and you don't have to take it down. Its just that she wanted credit for any pics that were used. Maybe you could just put "photo curiously of ZIA". She wasn't asking for much.
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my philosophy is share the things we sense in being so over-protective of the things we figure is only costuming afterall and i like to share the knowledge i have and have gained with anyone who may be looking for information. I'm more than happy to pass along the tricks and tips ive found.

HERE! HERE!:cheers

the costuming world needs more people like you :) You guys plan on breeding right? :lol: :lol:

I bookmarked that page. Its just so nice and organized and helpful....and I LIKE IT!
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Thank you Webchief for deleting those posts, and thanks JDfett for correcting the stuff on the site.
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