
Active Hunter
I have come across a complete set of JD armor with helmet. I am only interested in the back plate. If I buy the set, is anyone else interesed in the other parts?
Sorry everyone. I just could not swing the deal. It is posted in the Cargo Hold for sell by the original owner. Thanks for the interest.
I don't know what happened to the thread, the only thing i´m absolute sure about is that the seller has not answered any of my mails.

I'm a little more worried! I sent the money and was told it was mailed on the 17th. Still no armor and can't get a tracking number or any other info. Anybody know Jredman29?:( :(
Hello Brad I sent the tracking #. Sorry for all the bull I had to sell the armor due to legal bills mounting up from ID theft. They tryed to deliver the armor on the 30 but no one was there to sign for it according to the uspo. I have been in a dozen police office and hospitails trying to track down what happened. Just so I can file the ID report. In Michigan if you have no proof sorry tough s**t. So thats why I have been away for a while. I even had to get an attorney to stop some of the legal ****. People protect yourself out there. This is something I would not wish on my worst enemy. What makes this worse family member did this to me.
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