Dyeing of hoses

Well, I don't know why, but for me the dying of the hoses didn't worked (and I tried really hard).
I had the same hoses (I think so) and stuck exactly to the description, but even after 4 times of trying the hoses didn't take sufficient color as the should. :(

Any ideas?
Has anyone tried leather dye?

I know I've use leather dye in the past to dye ABS plastic. I can't see why it would'nt work on the hoses.
i have the ritz dye, navy and dark blue...

so i need to mix hot water and a packet of navy blue dye, and leave the hose in the mix??

Would it become too dark if i leave it too long?? How long will it take? how much hot wateR?
Bleahhh said:
i have the ritz dye, navy and dark blue...

so i need to mix hot water and a packet of navy blue dye, and leave the hose in the mix??

Would it become too dark if i leave it too long?? How long will it take? how much hot wateR?

There are these things on the package called instructions. You might try reading them. Seriously dude. You ask alot of questions that there are easy to find answers to. You also tend to hijack alot of threads. It's kind of annoying.
Darth Mule said:
There are these things on the package called instructions. You might try reading them. Seriously dude. You ask alot of questions that there are easy to find answers to. You also tend to hijack alot of threads. It's kind of annoying.

yikes...i guess one cant be too anxious to get things right the first time arnd here huh....

sorrie if i tugged ur strings...but i really rem hijacking any of your threads mule..
Actually, you haven't hijacked any of my threads. I've just noticed you trying to hijack a few others. Hijacking a thread means changing the subject, or trying to change the subject of someone else's thread to suit your needs. You usually don't succeed as most just seem to igore you.

You also ask questions that there are already answers to. The very same thread that you yourself linked to about the dyeing of hoses, has all the info you need. It tells you what kind of dye, it tells you exactly how to do it, how much water, how much dye, etc... Yet you still asked these questions.

I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I'm just pointing out that this may be why nobody answers your posts. The info is there. Read.
Darth Mule said:
Actually, you haven't hijacked any of my threads. I've just noticed you trying to hijack a few others. Hijacking a thread means changing the subject, or trying to change the subject of someone else's thread to suit your needs. You usually don't succeed as most just seem to igore you.

You also ask questions that there are already answers to. The very same thread that you yourself linked to about the dyeing of hoses, has all the info you need. It tells you what kind of dye, it tells you exactly how to do it, how much water, how much dye, etc... Yet you still asked these questions.

I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I'm just pointing out that this may be why nobody answers your posts. The info is there. Read.

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