Attaching Snaps help


Active Hunter
What are the best snaps to get and where? I am planning a trip to home depot tomw and wanted to make sure I was getting the right thing. Do I need a speacial snap tool to attach them? or just a hammer? thanks in advance! :cheers
I use the tandy snaps. Scuff the back of the armor, the back of the snap, and CA glue that thing down. Put a nice bead around the edge after you have it down. Using an accelerator spray helps. place them near the edge at the corners. I have never had any trouble with them staying on. Cruzer does it this way too.

You will need set tools to attach the other half to the vest.
If you want the best, you'll want:

At least four bags of these:

At least three bags of these:

One of these:

One of these:

One of these:

A regular steel hammer will work, but will eventually damage your leathercraft tools, so one of these is recommended:

I use this one:

If you have to go more economical, go to Wal-Mart or a well supplied fabric store and get similar stuff.

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:lol:Thanks. You beat me to it! I figured that'd be the clearest way to explain what's the best to get.;)

But I forgot 1 bottle of Super T, Special T, and NCF Quick.

I use these snaps for my TK and want to use them for my armor when it arrives.

What is CA glue? It might be available here in Holland, but with a different name.
I was thinking to use hot glue to attach the snaps on the armour. Will that work also?
I just ordered all the stuff from that list from tandys minus the mallet just because of cost. I will probably just pad my hammer with some leather or something. Is there a tutorial for installing the 20/24 snaps made up anywhere? Cruzer? :)
Ummm...I've only posted a pic of how I layed out my snaps. I just recently assembled a pair of BM Jango armor and vest for a member here. What I found very helpful was taking my tailor's measuring tape (the flimsy kind that is about 3-4 feet long) that I bought at Walmart, using it as a guide to trace the outlines of the armor the width of the tape in from the edge. Then, where the lines intersected in each corner, I put a small black dot with the tip of a sharpie. Scratched up the backs of about 30 snaps that have the metal ring in them. Then began applying 2 drops of Super T glue to each dot, placing the line 20 snaps centered on the dots and shooting them with a quick spray of NCF Quick before moving on to the next one. Once I finished placing each snap, I went back with the Special T and encased the side of each snap with a small wall of glue. The Special T is perfect for this because it will not drip. Then shoot it with some NCF Quick and move on to the next snap.

Once you finish placing all of the snaps, I'd recommend marking a center line on the vest with a pencil, and beginning with the neck armor, begin positioning your armor where you'd like it. I usually put the vest on and look in a big mirror, with an up close printed pic of the real vest and armor right next to the mirror so I can reference it by glancing back and forth. Place the neck piece on your vest, get it where you want it, and outline the corners, top, etc. with the pencil. Then, take the armor and rub some Rn'B on the snaps, carefully reposition it back on your vest while looking in the mirror starting with the top and top corner lines you drew with the pencil. Once you get it in place, press down on your vest so the snaps make contact, and when you lift the armor, you should have small little circles where you need to place the other parts of the snaps.

Keep in mind that for all of the upper body armor, you will not use the concaved heads of the snaps because you're glueing the one piece to the armor. On the vest itself, you will use both sides.

Here are a few pics of how the vest turned out and the back of the armor, etc. Hope this helps. :thumbsup:








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hey all, need some help with the snaps. I have the 20 and 24 snaps from tandy. which go on the back of the armor and which go on the vest? i'm confused cuz they all look the same! arg!
use the smaller snaps for the armor to vest connection. Female portion glued to armor, male portion attached to the vest. Use can use the bigger snaps for your backplate.
ok cool, so small snaps for everything pretty much and just use the big ones for the back. thanks man!

edit: spoke with Cruzer and he mentioned he used the smaller 20 snaps for everything but the shoulders, backplate, knees and boots which he used the 24's.

Now let us see if i can get this baby connected.
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this might be the dumbest question of the thread, but when installing the snaps on the flak vest, do I need to use the 20 line setter to punch holes in it or do I use the CA glue like the armor?
You'll need to punch small holes in the vest where the other parts of the snap will go. Did I forget to mention a punch? :facepalm You might be able to find one at any local craft stores that sell leatherwork tools...or maybe even walmart and a grommet tool in the sewing section. Sorry!
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