Arena Jet Pack Colors


Well-Known Hunter
Arena Jetpack Colors

I just made a quick overlay on my colors on the jet pack.

The jet pack that is laying down is an image of a series called Image Attack that was shown prior to AOTC been release in theaters.

This image clearly show how close these can colors came to the real deal.

Almost exact lighting conditions too. I've seen a few threads regarding the stubby pack.

So I figured I refreshed the minds of some folks.

Plus there's talks about a new Stubby Jet Pack coming out soon.;)

arenajet packcolors.jpg
In the image, it looks like the triangles on the thruster's bottom part of the jet pack are twice as thick as the others! Great job Turo, I can't wait to see this surprise for us!
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I found a generic dark blue from Walmart (house brand) that looks really close as well.
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