Another mini Jango build - Finished w/ pics


Active Hunter
I just received my mini bucket from ONE END. As soon as I opened it, I trimmed of all the flashing, and hit with with 120, then 220 grit sandpaper to even things out a bit, and remove the seam. I hit it with a very thin layer of mud, and will sand it again tonight, and hit it with primer to see how it's looking. Not going for a perfect finish, but I fear the silver will really magnify any blemishes.

Where do I go from there? Seems like a lot of people paint their buckets before attaching the ears. Why is that? Seems like it would be harder at that point. I think I'll attach the ears first, and close any seams, before painting. Pros/cons?

What's the best way to attach the RF to the stalk? Just sand both surfaces flat, and use epoxy?

What's the best way to dig out impressions to house the earth magnets for the removable ear cap?

I'll post pics Sunday probably. Got my 20th high school reunion this Saturday to prep for, too!

Thanks guys!
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I didn't make the ear caps removable.. just something else for him to take off/break ;) I did however NOT make the range finder movable nor permanent. I sanded the ear cap down so it was nice and flat, both on the helmet and cap, and the range finder sits in the slot nice and snug. If another kid decides that they want to "see if it comes down" it wont break.. And, I can take it out when he isn't wearing it. As far as painting it with the caps on, it depends if you are making the stalk permanent. If you are, you will have to tape it off before you spray it. That is, unless you make the ear cap removable, then everything Ive just said it ****... lol

As far as attaching the RF to the stalk, I used a dremel side cutting drill bit. It drills like a normal bit and also cuts sidways... does that make sense? I made my mark with the the stalk and drilled it out, but still making it super snug. Then I epoxied it in. Hope that helps.

Good luck at the reunion...!!!
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Thanks for the reply. I think I will attach the ears minus that right ear cap and stalk before painting. Because of the possibility of damage, like you mentioned, I was thinking of keeping the ear cap removable. I think the rounded end of the stalk will stay nestled in the pocket of the right ear without falling out, without using a pivot point. I was thinking of using magnets to hold the stalk in an up or down position. I'm thinking if pressure is applied to the stalk, the ear cap will pop off, and the stalk will fall out, keeping the bucket safe.

I already told my son this helmet is off limits though when I'm not around. I let him hold it seconds after I took it out of the box, and seconds later he already dropped it!

Now to dig out my Dremel cutting bit...
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Um, I just noticed that you live outside of detroit... so do I. Im in Allen Park.... wierd...

As for the stalk, mine did not come with one, so I made it out of some flat aluminum stock from Lowes. 1/8th by 1/2 inch I believe. The bottom is flat and I dremeled the slot square, so it wont move.

Oh, and the left ear cap was part of the mold on mine. Only the right was not attached. So, Im absolutely no help to you there.. lol...
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No pics yet, but I got the ears epoxied this morning. Will hit it with primer tomorrow, and post pics Sunday.
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I'll post pics tomorrow when I download them at work. Promise!

Here's where I'm at:

1) Cut out the foam armor (etc the knees. totally forgot them somehow...), and formed them.
2) Attached the ears, and drilled holes for the magnets in the ear cap, stalk, and right ear.
3) Attached the RF to the stalk.
4) cemented the magnets in the holes.

NOW, for my stupid mistake... :angry

I reversed one of the magnets in ear cap. Grrrrrr. So instead of sticking like it should, the reversed polarity cocks the cap out of position, and barely holds on.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this? :( Is there a Dremel bit I can use to drill it out??? Any way to "demagnatize" it? It's an earth magnet, so I don't it.

Now, off to get started on the flight suit!
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get a good strong drill bit and go at it right in the center of the magnet. with any luck the magnet will be brittle and shatter so you can then dig the pieces out with a probe. if it doesn't, however, you can use the same technique you used to put the hole for the magnets in the helmet originally.
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get a good strong drill bit and go at it right in the center of the magnet. with any luck the magnet will be brittle and shatter so you can then dig the pieces out with a probe. if it doesn't, however, you can use the same technique you used to put the hole for the magnets in the helmet originally.

Thanks. This gives me hope!
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Another mini Jango build - pics added

As promised, here's so pics of my progress.

First, various shots of ONE END's helmet out of the box:





As you can see, there was seam, some flashing, and some ripples to contend with. Nothing a dremel and some 150/220 grit sandpaper couldn't handle though!

Apparently, I forgot to take pics of the bucket with the ears attached. :angry

Here are some detail shots of how I attached the RF to the stalk, and where I'm placing magnets. The ear cap will be removeable in case any lateral pressure is applied to the stalk. Hopefully it will pop off before the stalk snaps. I also used magnets at the stalk pivot point, and in the up/down positions.

Below is where I drilled out the holes to house the magnets. I used the dremel side cutter to route them out.

Once the holes were drilled, I taped tissue paper over the ear to create a template for the holes.

I then reversed the template, and taped it on the ear cap.


I used the trusty dremel and the side cutter to carve a notch in the RF to attach the stalk. Also carved a notch in my thumb, too.

Here's a shot of the armor cut out, formed, and roughly arranged. I somehow forgot all about the knees, and need to go back and make them. I also plan on adding thin sheets of foam as details on the shins and cod piece:


Here's the foam I'm using. $6 cmping pad from Walmart. I used it's natural curve to my advantage when I laid everything out to cut.

I'm happy so far!
Got the jumpsuit almost finish. It's a functional piece right now, with zippered front, double sleeves, etc. Just need to fit it this weekend, and hem the sleeves and legs. Then I need to hit Joann Fabrics for a vest pattern, and material.

I fixed my ear cap magnet problem, and the cap now attaches properly. But there's still a problem. The RF is just too heavy. If you move the helmet even a little, the stalk and RF shift, and pop the cap off. I'm going to just epoxy the ear cap and allow the stalk to slide in and out of the slot. Can't really think of a reason the cap NEEDS to be removeable.

Hopefully will get started priming armor tonight, and building the knees.
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if you're going for accuracy, the hero jango helmet had a non-moving rf stalk. i'm just sayin...
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I just saw that in another thread, which also made me lower the ear cap. The ONLY reason I want to make the stalk removeable is for storage purposes. I don't want it getting snapped off.
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Grrrrr. Got all the armor primed, and about 1/4 finished.

And then, the project took a wrong turn.

I was sitting on my porch enjoying the sunshine cutting out the visor with a box cutter. Still not sure how I did it, but the blade slipped, and gashed the back of my thumb. Just got back from the ER where they stitched me up.

Got some interesting blood spatter on the bucket. Hopefully I regain feeling in my thumb soon so I can finish cutting the visor, and then cut the actual visor. If I can't grip the thing, it's gonna make it tough....
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Give me a yell if you need a visor. I can mail you one. I have plenty of it to make a kid size. Its a bit lighter and thinner, so its easier to cut. Just Pm me your addy and I will ship you one cut out!!:thumbsup:
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Sorry for the lack of updates and pics. :( Good news, is my thumb seems fine, so I've been working as I can.

Jumpsuit is done, and will finish the vest Saturday. Then I'll start attaching armor.

Still have to put silver on a few pieces of armor, and finish my scratch built gaunts. All armor should be done, and painted, on Sunday.

Got the first got of silver on the bucket Wednesday, and not sure what to do next:

1) Should I lightly wet sand this layer with 1000 grit or just leave it?

2) Does it need a second coat of silver? Should I sand the final coat at all?

3) becasue I'm running out of time, and this is a costume for my son, should I just hit what I have with the darker blue tonight?

Thanks guys!
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Well, it's not what I imagined it turning out like, but my son loves it. Here are some pics of my Mini Jango as done as it's gonna get!







Unfortunately (actually, fortunately from the other POV), work got crazy, hurt my thumb, etc. and just ran out of time. Not all the armor made it on, didn't do a jetpack, no guns, belts, etc.

Like I said though, he couldn't be happier, so I'm happy. it was a great experience, and it gives me confidence to get my rear in gear on my Fett. Thanks to all here for the inspiration!
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