2nd Cruzer Jango backplate run open 6 PM on 8/2!


Well-Known Hunter
Ok guys, I'm finishing up the last of previous orders and only have a few more weeks before it's time to head back to work. A handful of people have contacted me about needing a backplate since the close of the last run. So it's got to be now or much later if I'm to do any more runs. The mold is showing signs of wear and is probably good for about another dozen pulls before I won't pull from it anymore due to quality reasons. So...

...I'll open up a run of 10 backplates at 6:00 P.M. (PDT) on Thursday, August 2nd.

The reason I'm postponing the opening of this run is to allow everyone a chance to become aware of it, decide if they need one, and get paid.:thumbsup:

Prices will still be $95 shipped in the U.S. If you live outside of the U.S. you can hold a spot on the list by sending in a payment of $95 and then we can figure out the additional shipping charges soon thereafter. Production will start about a week (how long it takes to get the resin) after the list closes and the order for resin is placed. This run is promised to go a lot faster due to me not having girthbelt, holster, and bolo orders going simultaneously. I estimate producing 3-4 backplates a week, and then shipping them out in small waves on Saturdays.

I'll post my paypal addy now, but please do not send in any payments until after the opening time or I'll refund your $$ and put you on the "tried to cut at the head of the line" naughty Mando list.:p:lol:

I'm also in the last few weeks of summer vacation with my kids, so please understand that I'm only doing this for you guys because so many people have contacted me with a need. So please be patient with me if I am shy a backplate one week because the little Mandos wanted daddy to take them fishing one morning or camping overnight.;)

My paypal addy is still Lorenzo_Cruz1@msn.com .

Thanks and let the fun start...in approximately 46 hours.:lol:


**The List is Closed**

Run List
1.SEEKER(paid) shipped
2.tc-2917(paid) shipped
3.Whitearmor(paid) shipped
4.Foxbatkllr(paid) shipped
5.SWfreak(paid) shipped
6.Admfrancis(paid) shipped
7.WelderTim1208(paid) shipped
8.Eskilax(paid) shipped
9.bobafett669(paid) shipped
10.Steelblitz(paid) shipped
12.Hakaider(paid) shipped
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Thanks, I made the change. I thought it was called Pacific Standard Time. Shows how much I know about time zones.

I don't think it'll go too fast. There were only about 6-8 people that had contacted me, so hopefully 10 slots is enough to fill the need. But you're right it could get ugly if that's not enough. In that case, I'll be standing by to confirm the slots and close the list when necessary.

Thanks guys, and any one needing pics of what the backplates look like can check out the last run thread: http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=18904

Just started work on mine, both Uber accurate & a really well made item.
Makes you want to leave the jet pack at home!


Just started work on mine, both Uber accurate & a really well made item.
Makes you want to leave the jet pack at home!


Agreed. If Jango Costume didn't have a Jet Pack I would have already bought this backplate. That's the only thing that retains me :p
:thumbsup:Thanks guys for both the interest and endorsements! I appreciate them.
CaptJono, glad you like it, it's looking good so far.
JangoUri, I hear you. If you're one of the lucky few with a V2 JD backplate, that is a very good backplate.

I am kinda getting bored now that the other orders are done, so I'm looking forward to this run!:)

I'm also thinking maybe I shouldn't let SEEKER have a backplate so the rest of us can be "one-up" on him on at least one piece of the Jango suit!!!;) :lol:
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