Will I measure up to the 501st standards?

Wow... does everything break down into an argument lately? The new guy comes here looking for help to find a helmet... all he gets is a "use the search tool" message... I TRY to help him find a better solution to the Don Post and then another lecture on recasting breaks out...

Way to roll out the welcome wagon guys! Way to go!

No offense but if someone actually sent him good info on where to buy a helmet he wouldn't have to go to Ebay and buy one. Sorry guys but looking at a helmet on Ebay doesn't tell me its a recast... I look at it and think, "gee... maybe this dude bought a helmet and didn't want to make it... wants to sell it instead."

Sorry Christo Fett... welcome anyway!
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You have a point Webchief unfortunatly noone wants to sit there and post every link to every question that everyone that comes in has, I know its not but sometimes I find its my resposiblity to give as much info as possible so people wont do the same thinks and mistakes I made.

There is so much info though, you cannot post it all or sum it up in one post when a question as broad as "where do I get a helmet' come along.

Even Got Maul has confessed to buying a pos helmet from Ebay and His looks great so I wouldnt worry about steering him to eBay. Your only trying to help.
Unfortunately I think we all learn a hard lesson in this hobby at one point or another. You certainly can't be faulted for trying to help someone out, webchief. Members of this forum come to expect a better quality than most collectors when it comes to Fett. I think this leads to frustration when we see a seller whose items don't measure up. The link that cal196 posted showing the shattered helmet is a good example. Everyone is so concerned with LFL going after our best prop makers, that the only advise that is usually offered to new costumers is 'go to ebay.' I'm not saying that this is wrong, but the result can often be that a new costumer gives up after getting a vinyl helmet that looks like Jabba sat on it. Perhaps the best advice that could be given to our newer members is look around, post questions, and let the group get to know you. This way, we won't be as hesitant to provide the information about where to get the items that you are looking for.

On a separate note, welcome aboard, Christo. When you receive your bucket, you may want to reinforce it before you undergo the process of finishing it. Good luck!
Sorry Guys didn't mean to sideswipe the topic at hand, I get frustrated seeing guys buying there recasted mystery helmets....THEN joining up with the TDH showing off what they've won. The fact is they are buying into lies and purchasing products from guys that have no experience casting or fabricating and it shows when compared.
His helmets aren't that great, they're pretty fragile. I cracked mine when I was trimming it! I couldn't believe it! It could work but I highly ecommend reinforcing it so you don't break it!
Nope didn't drop it. I was just holding it trimming and sanding it. I heard a crack, looked down and saw the crack right on the brow. I couldn't believe it I wasn't even sanding hard I was just finishing it up. And the dang thing cracked about a half-inch.
Here is my photo of jeremy and I at CIII. I am 6'2" so you can see he might have been close to 6'1" in the costume.
You outbid me for that one! It's ok because I have decided to keep my MS2. I have started sanding it to get the shape a little closer to the actual helmet. Mine was a little "tall" Marrow Sun definately has a great cast. Top notch and packed very well for shipping. Mine did have a crack in it but since it was in the visor area that has to be cut out anyway it was not an issue.

Webchief is definately a guy to help you out. Saw his fett in person at CIII and it is very good.

Christo Fett said:
OK, I bought the Mystery from ebay. I hope i didn't snipe any of you for it. Sorry if I did but I'm too hyper to wait for another one.
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A bit late in the discussion but i'm 6f (1,85 m) tall and from from the picture you can see that me and the Fett man himself are pretty similar in height.

My problem with the mentality of "use the search function" is that you can find 5 different threads with 5 different answers and some of the threads are older. I'd like to know what members opinions are today. People have new experiences everyday that can be learned from and if we just relied on past threads there would be no reason to ever start a new one, "just search the old ones for answers". I did conclude though, that I needed a larger helmet than a DP and then concluded (although too late) that I should have done more research on who was the best to buy my helmet from.

My only crime is that I am very anxious to get my costume started. If I am "buying into lies" it is only due to ignorance and that is why I came here, to get educated by people who know. Unfortunately, in this case, the education came a bit too late. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again.
Lord Maul said:
Nope didn't drop it. I was just holding it trimming and sanding it. I heard a crack, looked down and saw the crack right on the brow. I couldn't believe it I wasn't even sanding hard I was just finishing it up. And the dang thing cracked about a half-inch.

yikes, that sounds like a fault on the maker and not packing. what ended up happening to your helmet?
Has anyone actually answered the original question yet??

I'm sure a simple yes or know with a reason would have sufficed,unfortunately Christo,I'm not sure myself but the general consensus seems to be if you want a good helmet you gotta pay for it,Bobamaker does a good kit,not sure if I'm allowed to link to his site though,best not just in case....
Christo, you shouldn't have to apologize or feel guilty for ANYTHING. You asked questions... I gave you an answer I thought was acceptable and you valued my opinion as someone who's been here a while. Not your fault at all. I apologize for the public reaction to your purchase. I'm sure that if you were comfortable using a Don Post helmet that you'll be VERY happy with your purchase of this "mystery" helmet. In comparison to a Don Post I'm sure your new bucket will look to you as though it was made of gold! I wouldn't worry about it.

I apologize that I sent you to Ebay instead of to the "maker" of the bucket. Its been said a million times on this board alone... when a newbie asks where the best place to get parts is the standard answer is "check Ebay". Hell, there used to be a thread on this board that was a FAQ type thread that instructed people directly... "Go to Ebay!"

If that was the original direction then why should anyone think otherwise? Especially when all they get for an answer is "use the search" or an argument over the height of Jeremy Bulloch.

Personally I can't wait for your helmet to arrive and I'll do my best in person to help you to make it look the best you can. I'll see you at the prop party on the 12th! Hopefully you have it by then! If you need any of the "real" paint colors I'll bring them with me to the party as I have a few extra bottles. See you soon!
Well said and thank you for the POSITIVE comments!

I don't mind negative coments when asking for an honest opinion but pissy comments because someone didn't buy a product from you, should never be welcome.
Hah,yeah,I'll try and remember that...In fact I'll use the search function to see if there any threads about using the search function,just incase i forget...or something :p
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