WARNING: I've Got A Bad Feeling About This!"

Galactic Hunter

Active Hunter
Has anyone seen heard or talked to "Spidey Fett". It' now been 9 months since I sent him $1,400 dollars worth of merchandise in trade
for a fully finished ESB Helmet w/ a delivery time of Halloween weekend 2005! Needless to say that time has come and gone and still, no helmet!, the last time I spoke to him was at the beginning of November, where we agreed on a second due date of the week of November the 28th, still no helmet! I've left multiple messages on his home and cel phones, along with a message through "the Dent" no response. Although I see he found time to post to :the Dent" some 30+ times since we last spoke, even going as far as to ask: "Did Everyone Get What They Wanted for Christmas, I Know I Sure Did!" So obviously he's alive and at least able to correspond!

If anyone is interested in the original thread where "Spidey Fett" started on both Pavespawn and my helmet (GBH) at the same time, it's called: TWO MS buckets!! w/ pics. Since the start date of that thread, Pavespawn received his helmet on 9-29-05 and me, nothing!

I've included the list of items sent to him back in May of 2005 just so everyone can see my level of concern.
If anyone can shed some light on this matter or would like to discuss this situation in further detail, let's talk!

ROTJ Flight Suit w/ side pouches & spats: $125.00
Shipping: $25.00

ROTJ Ammo Belt: $95.00
Shipping: $25.00
(Resold by you)

ROTJ Cape: $25.00
Shipping: 15.00

ROTJ Gloves: $55.00
Shipping: $7.50

ROTJ Gauntlets w/ Hinges: $175.00 for Kit

Set of Fiberglass Armor(minus backplate): $300.00
Shipping: $25.00
Collar w/Studs
Chest & Ab Plates
Shoulder Bells
(Resold by you)

Knee Guards w/Machined Aluminum Darts: $75.00
Shipping: $15.00

Machined Aluminum Jet Pack Beacon: $25.00
Shipping: $10.00

Machined Aluminum Jet Pack Stabilizer: $25.00
Shipping: $10.00

Trans/Reciever: $95.00
Rangefinder LED Kit: $62.00
Control Board: $55.00
5V Low Profile Servo: $35.00
Shipping: $25.00

Note: Paid an additional $100.00 to have Wayne Orr install items into helmet.

TOTAL: $ 1,404.50
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I know I had asked Spidey to paint my helmet in time for SDCC06. That isn't til mid July. He said he was booked until March at that he needs at least 2-3 months on the bucket. THat would be cutting it way to close. So I am having DarthMiller do mine which by the way he does amazing work. Very good eye to detail. Perhaps Spidey is really REALLY backed up, maybe he bit off more than he could chew. I am not making any excuses for him, but I am sure you have a good explanation coming. I am am positive you will get it back, and with this public thread I am sure you will get a response. I just hope you guys can settle this dispute in a private civil way.

Take care
Hey Gonzo:

Thanks for chimmin' In! The backed-up thing is one "OUT", but how do you take that much merchandise in trade (9 MONTHS AGO), then start two helmets at the same time, finish one and the other one, nothin! And now, no communication, 1 minute phone call, p.m, email, nothin'! I mean Spidey's managed to post some 30+ times since I last talked to him, come on here, throw me a friggin' bone!
ok ok ok....your frustrated and I don't blame you. Alex has been nothing but cool with me, and granted we have never done business together, but he has always replied back to all my PM querys. Maybe something happened to your bucket or there is more to the story here. Whatever the case is I am sure this posting will get him to communicate with you.

hey lets turn that :( upside down :)
(sorry just trying to keep the mood lite)
Well, I'm always willing to work with everybody, I always try and bend over backwards to try and help people and that's what I thought I was doing by sending all the componenets to Alex, but if there's no response and no communication, I can only be left to think one thing, no?:confused
I just wanted to chime in here and say that I'm Wayne Orr. I installed the servo/rangefinder and forwarded a video of the completed install to GBH. I then delivered the lid to Spidey to finish painting it up. I'm not trying to throw anybody "under the bus", but I just wanted everyone on the Dent to know that I completed my end of the transaction.

Thanks and I hope everything works out,

wayne orr
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Let me just say that I'm in no way pointing any fingers at Wayne and if I need to get started on another helmet, I'd be stoked to have Wayne do the working rangefinder end of it again! THX Again Wayne!:cheers
Well guys! I guess this is my fault for being a nice guy and trying to help somebody out! And the thing is, this is suppost to be a brotherhood, one that was really formed all the way back in 77' when that second space ship came over our heads and all our eyes were like two big friggin' saucers! What a shame and I'm truely dissapointed that it's had to go even this far just to make the situation known!:(
Hmm...kinda reminds me of a story. Two years ago, I traded some stuff to a guy to have him paint me some Warhammer figures. I was just getting into it, had no painting skills, and the guy had a good reputation and good quality. Well, in the waiting period, I developed my skills and became a pretty good painter myself, bought the figures, painted them myself. After a year of excuses, I still had no figures. Eventually communication disappeared completely, and now I am pretty much out of Warhammer anyways. Don't mean to paint a cloudy picture, hopefully you get a better ending than I did.
As a member of 501st I am always trying to research my next perfect screen accurate costume,TK,TD,TB, and when Master Rep finally delivers?..TC!
Today was my first time on the "Dent" and I've allready learned alot about this forum and who is actually trying to play fair and who is NOT!

They say that "information is everything" ,well today I got some good leads! and some real warnings!!!!!!

I sincerely hope this ends well!!!!!!!
Galactic Bounty Hunter said:
Well guys! I guess this is my fault for being a nice guy and trying to help somebody out! And the thing is, this is suppost to be a brotherhood, one that was really formed all the way back in 77' when that second space ship came over our heads and all our eyes were like two big friggin' saucers! What a shame and I'm truely dissapointed that it's had to go even this far just to make the situation known!:(
what you just said is boardering on flaming i think. plz watch how you word things. i can understand your anger. i dont know why SP hasnt said anything. im verry interested in what he will have to say because i was/am (its alittle questionable now) considering him to paint a helmet i might buy soon. honestly spidey if somthing has happened to this guys helmet i highly advise you just telling him instead of ignoring him. ignoring the situation is the absolute worst thing you could do in this situation.:facepalm
tk9393 said:
As a member of 501st I am always trying to research my next perfect screen accurate costume,TK,TD,TB, and when Master Rep finally delivers?..TC!
Today was my first time on the "Dent" and I've allready learned alot about this forum and who is actually trying to play fair and who is NOT!

They say that "information is everything" ,well today I got some good leads! and some real warnings!!!!!!

I sincerely hope this ends well!!!!!!!

Well I think you need to be careful before you start assuming that people aren't trustworthy. I've dealt with Spidey and many others on this board and have had no problems with anyone. I'm not saying that Eric doesn’t have a legitimate beef, but saying (or inferring) that someone is not playing fair is very premature. Does Eric deserve his stuff in a timely manner?? Sure he does and I hope they can work out this situation soon.

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