Trial run


Active Hunter
A few weeks ago I bought a Fett bucket off of ebay, although stated it was a Don Post helmet it was actually a Rubies one. So I figured I'd buy a nice one but for a nice one its pretty much a $200 minimum and who wants to spend $200 and just start slapping paint on it? This is the rubies one I've been working on just testing out weathering techniques and what not and was hoping I could get some feedback on it.




Sorry about the shotty pics, thanks for looking- Pat
Thanks for all your comments honestly it's the most comments i've ever gotten in a forum. I plan on posting many pics throughout my project but honestly once it's done it's going straight to ebay. Beacuse after all.. it's only a trial run and seeing if I can actually mentally stand the repitition of the weathering it's so hard weather something realistically while trying to make it exact I'm trying to not make everything look painted on
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