TK409 Helmet Smashed (viewer discretion advised)

Well, here was my initial reaction when I first saw the damage:

Chris, I sure hope you can repair that.
Hey Chris, this totally blows!:eek: :angry :( :puke

Just as GCN Gamer put it, when I seriously first thought about putting together a Fett, I stumbled across your nicely designed web site, which also led me here and the rest shall we say is history! And no matter how it happened, I know for your own peace of mind it be nice just to find out exactly "HOW" it did happen! Now with that said, I know you've got the skills to put another one together and probably improve upon what you didn't like on this one and you also go to enough conventions where Jeremy and Daniel both attend quite frequently, so replacing the "sigs" should be "All to Easy"! The only problem it looks like you'll have is choosing which bucket to start with again, so many choices!!!

Good Luck Bro, Now get started!:thumbsup:

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OMG I think im going be sick

please, for gosh sacks man repair that Helmet !

Its worth more than you . ok bad time for a joke

Place a "DO NOT TOUCH OR DIE SIGN ON BOBA, might even add a fake small Video camera with small sign says "smile you're on TV"
Better yet! You could build a fake camera with some flashy LEDs to scare anyone who wants to touch your Fett ;)
:( I am really really sorry Chris, that is awful. I would certainly wish that if it was someone fooling around with it that they would at least say so. I would rather know than have to think did this person do it or did that person do it, I mean, accidents Do happen. Well, I am sure you will be able to make it almost as good as new :) Good thing you aren't wearing it to D*con!!!
UGH!!!! :cry I'd fix it for its sentimental value, but would search out another bucket for use on the costume. Sorry for such a bad break...ooophs....sorry for the punn too;)

Someone butt stroked your helmet with your own blaster rifle. That is just not right. My condolonces and I feel everything happens for a reason. Your next helmet or repair will be even mor bad a$$. Just save the autographs.:(
who would do such a thing...horrible...just horrible...

sorry to see and hear that,that sucks....lots of work to do if you choose to try and fix it.
Wow...I think I might have a pic of that helmet as my desktop at work. yeah I know my co workers probably think I am a geek, but they won't say it to my face :)...... Geez like the others that was my insiration as well as I think meeting you at a gen con. I look at that desk top everyday for inspration as to what I need to improve next. It took me reading half these posts before i realized who's helmet it was. Damn it's gotta be fixed. period good luck.
Man. . . that bites big time. :cry As several others have mentioned, your website was part of my inspiration to do my own Boba costume, and I take it that helmet was the one displayed.
I hope you're able to repair it!

And to prevent anything like this from happening again, I would remove all your Fett stuff from the office, and then take off and nuke the building from orbit. . . it's the only way to be sure. ;)
I know it has been said a dozen times alreday but man that sucks. I was hopeing that the title of the thread was a joke but man I was almost sick to my stomach when I saw it wasn't. Personally I would get a new helmet and do a new paintjob. I would attempt to fix this one just for sentimental value but I would get a new one. The signatures aren't that hard to replace, it's not like either Daniel or Jeremy don't go to tons of cons.
It is disheartening to see something like this. All of the work you put into your suit and helmet are what inspired me to do my own Fett.

Let us know if you find out if it really was an accident or if there was a perpetrator and who did it. Place a bounty on his head for all of us :)
How shameful to see this happen to your helmet Chris.
It really made me sad, one of your pride and joy "things" demolished as such.
I hope you are able to repair it and make it for display safe at home.
Most really do not grasp the work, or for that matter the blood, sweat and tears that goes into our hobby. More tears when things like this happen.
Keep us posted on the salvage of it.
So sad.....really.
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I´m very sorry that this has happened to you!!! This is what I´m afraid of:

coming home and find your props (espacially helmets!) smashed on the floor...
It looks like Spideyfett might already be on this, but.........we could start a TK409 fund to get him a new bucket. I don't know Chris personally , but I've used his tutorials and other contributions he's made. There's enough of us, so if we each send him $5, $10, $15 or whatever, we could pay for his new one easy.

What do you guys (and ladies) think?

Chris, if it's cool with you put your paypal addy out there for people to donate to, if it's OK w/ the mods and the Dent.

Just a thought.

I really really feel your pain, Chris:( This same thing happened to 2 of my helmets. 1 Sgt Fang MH helmet and a MSH helmet. The MH helmet is repairable. Mine was in 5 or six pieces. I used Epoxy and it worked great! You might need to repaint though. Good luck!

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