something strange

well i was sick today and decided i needed to watch some star wars to feel better. so i watched the original version of Rotj and this is what i found wierd right. boba fett is a lefty in jabbas palace but then become a righty fighting luke. very starnge....



Indeed, reversing the shot is quite common in movies (I've used the technique several times myself) and that is what has happened here. It's a pretty bad mistake to make though, any editor worth his salt (continuety is a on-set thing and not applicable here) should've spotted that before the film was released.
The better thing to notice is that pic of Boba on the right, his vest is not closed. That pic is also not in the movie as when Boba shoots at Luke he is on the left side of the skiff and Luke is on the right. That is a shot taken from the other side of the skiff. Wacky hugh?
well i got better pics and an actual reference from the movie. i hadn't relized the right pic wasn't in the movie...


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Yes it has been talked about before. '' It's what they call a mirror image''. I guess they do this while filming for certain reasons. It can totally throw off an audience who notices lots of things.
The cable thing coming out of his vest going down into his pouches might be the control cable for his chest lights. The pre-pro 2 suit has the same cable in the same spot. Perhaps it was on the fritz and that is why the duct tape is on it and that is why it doesn't work in the movie. The pic from the opposite side of Fett was probally taken by the on set photographer. Many movies have these for promotinal reasons and to document the process. He saw a cool shot from his vantage pointe and took the pic cause it looked cool.
I do the same thing when I am sick... Chicken Soup for the Inner-Child Nerd!

The-Dark-Knight- said:
well i was sick today and decided i needed to watch some star wars to feel better. so i watched the original version of Rotj and this is what i found wierd right. boba fett is a lefty in jabbas palace but then become a righty fighting luke. very starnge....
i think the reason the Jabba's palace image is flipped is because the whole scene had to be flipped because otherwise when he raises his blaster it would be pointing right at Jabba! Me and some other Mountain Garrison folk were discussing this at a troop last year and that's the explanation we came up with.
I read somewhere, the Star Wars Insider maybe, that inorder to stay with the placement of Boba in an earlier shot, the editors had to flip the shot, else it would have made Fett look like he had crossed the room in a few seconds. If they didn't flip it, then it would appear that Fett was in the right corner when he was acutally in the left corner of the room.


well i never knew filmers actually do this sort of thing. maybe boba fett became so popular that lucas wanted to make the fans so confused and then switch. its like if nothing happen to him. i wondered if they fixed this in the special ediition...i haven't seen the special edition yet.
well i'm feeling much better today. thanks for the replies.

regards from the-Dark-Knight-
No He didnt fix it, isnt it funny how a man so obsessed with perfecting His movies would just bypass that all together?

The suit is still there, and there was no reason it could not be shot over, I mean He stuck Christians head on anakin for the end scene, but He thought fixing some scenes would kill the overall appeal of the movie? He just doesnt make sense.

And Fett cimbing out of the Sarlacc? Nah, the fans might want that, so leave that out definitly :p
The-Dark-Knight- said:
well i never knew filmers actually do this sort of thing. maybe boba fett became so popular that lucas wanted to make the fans so confused and then switch. its like if nothing happen to him. i wondered if they fixed this in the special ediition...i haven't seen the special edition yet.
well i'm feeling much better today. thanks for the replies.

regards from the-Dark-Knight-

No, they didn't fix it in the SE, it was done for some reasons stated above and not a mistake in editing as someone mentioned.

If you want to see some more image flipping, watch ESB when Han is talking to the General in the Hoth control when Leia is around, they flip her image several times to make the scene flow the way it should.

I swear, I've watched Return countless times, and it wasnt till about two weeks ago, watching it with my wife, that I noticed the flipping of Boba. I can't believe I never noticed that before!
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