Rogue Studios' ESB Color list & Painting Techniques

Rogue Studios wrote:

I am working the ROTJ right now..The mandible color is the same from what I cna tell it's just not as weathered (no acrylic coat).

All of the paints are designed for aribrushes.

The new technique is very simple paint the helmet with Chrome paint entirely let it dry for a few days then paint the dome for example with acrylic Panzer olive green (it does come in enamel so be careful) after painting just use a toothpick to rub off the necessary scratches it's really cool and works great you have to refine it a bit to do the mandibles but this is the primary method I will be using and although not earth shattering since some of you may already be using this method I just haven't heard anyone press it that much. Make sure you seal the finished work with a clear coat then a dulcoate to prevent tearing when masking or accidental scratches. I think this method explains the mysterious appearing scratch on the left inside cheek of the ESB.

Take care


I think you are right in saying this technique was used for the ROTJ helmet, but i think the ESB helmet had the silver applied topically after the helmet had already been painted and then had a good rub down with a scotch brite pad. I think it had another going over with the scotch brite after the silver was brush painted on too.
I could be wrong, but thats how it looked to me.

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Thanks Lee!! I guess I'll be repainting again... :) :p

My Fett will be retired permantly to a mannequin after this.

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The topical method is a very solid theroy and I can't say for sure how it was done definitively however I do use a scotchbrite to even out the gray and the PRR Maroon since they are topically applied on my helmet. I do see some silver areas on the real deal that were without a doubt topical but I think those were touch up areas. Again this is just a personal theroy and I'm not endorsing any of this as fact.

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Yeah, It's impossible for any of us to know exactly how it was done. And I do believe there are traces of both topical and masking application on the ESB helmet.

The one thing that has me leaning toward a mostly masked job on ESB is what Rouge Studios mentioned- that the topical areas on the helmet are painfully obvious when compared to the other areas of weathering. Now I don't believe proves anything either way, but it is something I've been curious about.
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I had a chance to see these colors myself at D*con, and I must say, it was like looking at the rosetta stone of paint :lol: You can easily imagine these colors to be a bit different in your head, but when you see color after color that is so similar to every corresponding part of the suit in any reference pic, it's easy to see that these paint colors are the same. I have mixed so many colors in the past, it's nice to finally be able to just pop a jar open and use it straight from the bottle :D ....... I'm just wondering what colors were used on the Pre-Pro suit :rolleyes :lol: ;)
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great job on all of this research Lee. Thank you so much for sharing your finds with us.

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I'll try painting the helmet silver first then.

When do you paint the grey though, before or after you have clear coated over the green and silver? Also, have you painted the grey by brush or airbrush?

If you could do a quick step by step painting, weathering and clear coating of the dome that would be great! Oh, and when do you use the scotch brite?


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Ask and you shall recieve. Lee you have come through on so many occassions with the helmet painting process truly an invaluable resource for years to come.
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Rogue Studios,
You Da Man! Thanks for posting your colors and weathering tips.
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Do you (rouge studios) have pics of your helmet painted in this fashion and in these colors ? I really want to see what the final thing looks like. Progress pics would be even better.
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Multiple pics were taken of his helmet at D*C. They will be posted soon, but please be patient as there are a ton of other pics that need to be sorted through still.

Seeing this helmet in person (along with the rest of his costume) is like looking at the AoSW suit. Lee's suit is the best RotJ/SE suit I have seen so far.
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Speaking of helmet pics did anyone remember to get a comparison pic of all the different types of helmet DP95 Recast, MSH, MLC, MHK etc....
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I got most of my colors to repaint my gauntlets, bells, and knees.

BUT.... HELP....!!!!....

Has anyone been able to find the * US Med. Green Pollyscale or Floquil paint for the Chest, cod, back, buttplate???????????

None of my hobby/train shops have this color in their Polly Scale of Floquil displays, it is not even a space that it may be missing, dosn't have the color either..... Any place else??? Could it be listed as a different color???

Lee do you know where to get that color?

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Lynn, that color is in the smaller bottles. Micromark doesn't even have a floquil line worth checking out. Try ehobbies on the net.

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Rogue Studios wrote:

Lynn, that color is in the smaller bottles. Micromark doesn't even have a floquil line worth checking out. Try ehobbies on the net.

Thanks Lee!! The shops I was at didn't have much if any 1/2 oz. bottles, so that was why I was having a hard time finding it. I went to one site and found it until I found it was $7.50 to ship, to heck with that. I found it at with only $3.82 shipping, So I got three bottles of it.

A question about the Reefer Yellow and Up armor yellow.

The base is the Reefer yellow, do I go with it so it is more orangish, or do I go light so it is more yellow? I always though they had an orangy tint.

Is the Up armor yellow just misted on the tops(middles) of the bells and knee fronts, on the edges? I'm not sure what you ment by "highlight the darker spots" in your first post.

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First off let me say BRAVO to LEE!!!!!!! :cheers
Thanks You so much for all your hardwork, not to mention the money and time involved.
Thanks to you, our Fetts will look 1000 times better AND more ACCURATE.
It's people like you that keep this Group and Hobby going!
I was lucky enough to find ALL of the colors in stock at a Local Hobby Haven. :D I went in with the Entire list and walked out with them all.
The guy asked what I was working on and I told him.
He seemed Bewildered and just shook his head.
He also told me to let him know if I needed more, he can order them by the bottle.
Lynn TXP 0369, if you cannot find them, I can help you.
Let me know how many bottles you need. There are 4
Hobby Havens, 2 Hobbytown USA's, and a couple of Scale Train stores here Localy in KC, so I'm sure I can help you if need be.
Thanks again Lee!!!! :cheers
Robert E.
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reidemiller wrote:

Lynn TXP 0369, if you cannot find them, I can help you.
Let me know how many bottles you need. There are 4
Hobby Havens, 2 Hobbytown USA's, and a couple of Scale Train stores here Localy in KC, so I'm sure I can help you if need be.
Thanks again Lee!!!! :cheers

Thanks for the offer, I have them on the way.

I hope to start to repainting in the next week or so. :D
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