RF LED KITS - Thanks!

Oh yeah!!! :D

Suggestions . . . maybe it's just me, but, I didn't think the red LEDs blinked that fast, but . . . I could be wrong (it's been known to happen) :D

And just to go back to an earlier question . . . when it comes to bending the leads on the LEDs so that we can position them where we want to . . is there any worry that we could just snap the lead off?

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Yeah I was thinking that they blink a little fast :p
I'll have to look into that then...I guess I thought I could sneak that by hehe

Umm, the leads to the LED's and other components are pretty sturdy. So unless you bend them back and forth forever, they wont snap! The leads to the LED's are the thickest..so no worries.

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Just change the capacitors with a higher value, since the flashing rate is determined by these.
These aren't the 47uf ones I suggested is it?
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Looking VERY good! :thumbsup:

The blink rate appears to be a bit fast, but I'm sure you can adjust this. The link that tylerdurden provided gives a good resource to gauge the timing.

Very cool! Very exciting!
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I'm glad it's making people happy! :)
And to have a supermoderator giving me thumbs up!!! I feel shpeshul ;)

I'll have a new movie up soon with a different flash rate as soon as I have some time (poo on work).

Oh yeah, do you guys want me to do a battery life test when I make a prototype? I mean, LED's don't waste batteries very much but I thought that maybe you'd like to know how long the batt will last?

To the batcave...err, I mean work,
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Well, sign me up for one. And depends on the price, I'd go for two (just in case). :)
By the way...Bobo, you really impressed me a lot! I didn't know that you knew about electronics! This is what I like about this forum: we have a lot of people who specializes in particular things, even in the smallest things as well. Way to go, Bobo! :D:thumbsup:

BTW...consider me as a potential customer as well.

And for the winks...here's mine too! ;)

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Looking good Bobb! You adding the green lights onto the bottom like I have as well?
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Blinking looks bang on to me Bobo.

So where do I send my $5 cheque? That's how much they cost right?


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Sounds great! So, would I be correct in assuming the $50- version w/ the extra led shines the light "thru" the clearish bottom part of the rangefinder?

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Man they look good. That flash rate is bang on (IMO).

Not sure which to get. is the blue going to blind you when the RF is right in front of your eye?

Rex. What's the opacity of the lower part of the RF on the MLC. is it like glass, or quite obscure? as in, am I gonna see a blinding blue super nova, or a lovely blue "screen".

Digging it, either way Bobo. I'll get the sewing machine revved up! ;) PM to follow once I've heard from Rex. Might just get one of each and have done with it. Make my mind up when they get here :lol:.


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Sounds good! :)

I was thinking people could just position the blue led so that it's not straight on into the eye (cuz it is blinding). Just put it on an angle or something.

Ok, all I need to know now is who wants what from the current list..and also from others!

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Awesome work! I'm in the making of almost the same design, just a bit differnt style. Yours came out most impressive, BTW where did you get your blue LED's? I saw 1 at RS for like $5, I said hell no.. $5 for a little LED? I had a little laser pen that had a nice blue LED in it, so I took it out & used that. Works fine for me, I also found a pen light that hase a Blue, Red, & Green (bright as anything) inside a pen light. If pics are needed, LMK -

Great job again!
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