The REAL PrePro 2 Helmet!!!

They never used this mold for production it was destroyed after they poured my casting, or at least that is to the best of their memory.
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WOW!!!! I skip one day and look what surfaces!! Fantastic pics... without reading all the posts I guess it's a given that the ears were machined aluminum!

To the ORIGINAL photographer, thank you for sharing:D

Steve :thumbsup:
Well I am very happy to see these pics sufrace. I will now be repainting my helmet to further match this one. Brak's are there any more pics of this helmet perhaps from the right (if you are looking at it) side?
You are very welcome, but as I mentioned before, I am just the messenger and can't take the credit for these. Glad to know they will help!!!

but in a sense you can and should... i know that *i* don't know the person who has those items, and wouldn't be looking at them right now if you didn't post them here.

so thank you, whether you like it or not! ;)
Sure I'm late, but I just had to add how thrilled I am to see these. I enjoy it every time new photos surface, especially of stuff we haven't seen in a long time. Comparing the scratches, it actually doesn't look too bad after all this time (with the exception of those slices in the back).

This is sort-of on topic...I actually can't remember if I actually posted these befrore. A good friend of mine was able to take a tour of the archives a while back, where you aren't supposed to be taking photos. She was able to snap these photos of some Fett helmets in the archives, and she said it was okay to share them.
Sorry there are only the two, but it's better than zero! What I would give for photos of each helmet from all angles...
You may have seen these helmets way back when in a photo gallery accompanying an article on, but the photo was quite tiny. On the left there is an "unknown" Prepro, painted much in the same style as the PP2 and the ROTJ (probably the same person?). Notice the wires running down from the rangefinder stalk. The middle one is a poor looking ESB stunt (with foam blocks for the rangefinder and earpiece, and the one on the right is the PP3 (looks very close to ESB, hence MR originally using it as reference for their helmet). Tucked in the back there looks to be another ESB-type paintjob, I don't know anything else about it.

Just wanted to post these again for more prepduction helmet goodness, and in case anyone hasn't seen them.


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Wow great pics JFJ! I wonder what helmet that is on the left?!? Man has it seen some better days. It doens't look like any of the pre-pro helmets I have seen thought it is definatlly painted by the same person using the same colors. It also shows how totally different those paint jobs are compared to the PP3/ESB buckets. Even the base green of the dome and lower cheaks looks to be a totally different color.
Wow great pics JFJ! I wonder what helmet that is on the left?!? Man has it seen some better days. It doens't look like any of the pre-pro helmets I have seen thought it is definatlly painted by the same person using the same colors. It also shows how totally different those paint jobs are compared to the PP3/ESB buckets. Even the base green of the dome and lower cheaks looks to be a totally different color.

That helmet has been dubbed the "Sandy" helmet in honor of the woman who painted it as well as the PP2 and the RotJ. She has a picture in which she is holding all three after they had been painted. As you pointed out, it is really interesting to note the difference in both the color choice and paint style seen on these helmets vs the paint colors and style used on the ESB, PP3 and the Eyes helmet.
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