NEW!! Fettpride Bucket aka "FPH" !!

Sorry to keep going off topic here, but now that I've found a site selling the borden connectors, can anyone tell me exactly which piece it is I'm looking for?
I am totally in on the 1st run!!

does anyone know when his next run on armor is as well? i need a set and its my wedding gift from my new wife. (she really likes me)

thx FP for this awesome helmet!
Now Alex, you said the helmet has the ESB brow wave but I am not really seeing it in the pics is it just me or a trick of the camera or what?

It's been changed....
This will more than likely be a Universal helmet help give everyone options. So it's not just an ESB anymore..:facepalm..sorry bro.

Good news is the ears (ONCE FINISHED, cough cough "nay sayers" :lol:) might be done Cold Cast....:thumbsup:

A gorgeous helmet indeed!! The dent looks fantastic:eek: Being an ESB nut, I'm a little sad about the wave, but a universal bucket is indeed a good route to go with such a perfect bucket.

I'll be curious to see the MSH/MSH2/FPH next to each other. If the FPH is smaller than an MSH2, but larger than an Sgt.Fang, it sounds closer to an MSH......

Can't wait for the pics!

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Here are some shots taken comparing it to the MSH2. :)





Here it is.....

MSH2 giving BIRTH to the NEW FPH!!!

As Athena leapt, fully-formed, from the forehead of her father Zeus. . .
so comes the FPH from its father, the MSH2, to forever join the pantheon of Mandos!!

OK, so maybe that was a little overdramatic. . . :lol: :lol:

Terrific pics!! This helmet just looks amazing.
I love the pics of it compared to the MSH2! I like the fact that FP decided to go with a "universal" design vs just ESB.

Sigh... it looks like I might have to have two of to paint Pre-pro2 and one for ROTJ and then re-paint my MSH2 ESB. Man what a terrible world we live in.
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