My ROTJ paint up, first time airbrushing.


New Hunter
Ok so I have finally gotten up the courage to post my helmet paint up. This is the first time I have airbrushed anything, so there was a lot of learning going on in the process. it was a little intimidating at first but then I thought, hey if I can carve images into peoples flesh all day I can certainly paint a helmet. at least the helmet doesn't cry.
For this paint up (which at this point is not entirely complete) I followed Jayvee's ROTJ paint up very closely especially at first, Though I did deviate from it as I got more comfortable and as needed when certain things didnt work out as well as I had hoped. I also relied very heavily on Rafalfett's stencils. the amount of detail and work you guys, All of you guys on TDH, have put into studying our antihero made my job way easier than it would have been otherwise. Im blown away by by the amount of knowledge you guys have.
The bucket I have I got from Animaefan. Several months ago, and its been a long slow process working on it. I have a busy work schedule so Ive had to work on it an hour or two here or there. and with all the layers and masking and relayering and masking it has taken me a few months to get it to this point.
I didnt take that many pictures throughout the process but I have some from each stage and several from where it sits now. Ill post what I have. Ill not delve too deep into the processes since Im just the hands that did the work Jayvee and Raf did all the thinking for Me, LOL.
Thanks for looking, helpful critiques are welcome go easy on me.







I got to the visor and the red I mixed came out too orange. so At this point I went looking for alternative solutions. So the Visor is Rattle can from StormTrooperGuy's thread in the paint discussion forum. And in addition to Raf's stencils I used Jigglenomicons paint by numbers thread.






THis is the current state of My lid. Im pretty happy with it so far but I know Im going to go back and add more detail later, and will eventually have to get some dental files in the back. I also have a light kit from salamanderking on the way. And have already gotten a vest and neck seal from batninja, and ordered a flightsuit from Arkady and some RKD armor. and will be Slowly gathering and working on the whole kit. But now I have to take some time away from this project to participate in this years ArTmor Project. so this is where it will sit until I finish that painting.
Thanks again for looking,








ARTMOR Firstdraft.jpgHere is a sneak peek at the painting Im doing for this years ArTmor Project (auction for Toys For Tots). This was the first pass on a Fett/Hound mash-up, this is for chairity so I figured doing a cross over piece would raise the draw for bidding. Have to go back in and tighten it up some. What do ya think? not blasphemous, Right?
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