My motorized rangefinder - VIDEO

I assume that the spring is to compensate the weight of the RF on the way I right? Looking at it from the physics point of view, I assume that the Aluminum RF stalks are too heavy for some servos, but if you have the regular or fiberglass RF stalk, it will work great.

Now, what did you used as the switch to activate the on/off switch? Is that part of those Mini-remote controlled cars around?

Yes, the spring give it an extra pull on it's way up to make up for the weight.

The switch I used came from a toy helicopter from a dollar store. There is a switch that makes the helicopter propellers go backwards and forwards. I stripped it out and hooked it up between the servo wires and the battery.
What I'm trying to figure out is a way that you could conceal the wire, battery and most important...the on/off switch. I was thinking about doing something with the gauntlet switches to actually make them functional (if doing a wired version)

Exactly, I'm just going to run the wire down my neck and arm to my gauntlet, and have the switches on the gauntlet to make it more functional.
I went to the Dollar Store to find any toy that works with any kind of switch, but found none. What kind of toy did you buyed to use the switch from...I mean, what kind of toy should I look for?

Is there any way that I could use any other kind of switch, like the ones actually used (accurate) that could be a working one, or get one from Radio Shack?

It's kinda hard to tell where to find it because I bought mine at a store called "Dollarama" here in Ontario, Canada. All I remember is that it was a little helicopter toy that had a red and green button on it that made the propeller switch direction. The stupid thing is that I can't even find those toys anymore. I would have bought a bunch and shipped them out to whoever wanted one, but I can't find them anywhere.

I haven't seen any accurate switches to do that at Radio Shack, it's kinda tough to make a switch that reverses the polarity of a servo.
Huh!...I think I know what are you talking about...there are a few toys around that uses the same kind of scheme or controls around. Let's see what I have under my sleeve really soon....;)

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