MR vs. Riddle Scaled Boba Fett helmets


Active Hunter
I received the Master Replicas .45 scaled Helmets last night. here are some pic comparing it to the old Riddel one.

Right is the Riddel and Left is the new MR.

Not sure if the photos will really show it but the new Master Replicas is much nicer than the Riddel one.

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Nice comparison shots. Thanks for posting!
Looks like MR did much better with the deco. I have a Riddell so I probably won't pick up the MR though.
Did MR have the advantage of being able to use their 3-D scan of the lid as a guide? They did do a scan of the original for the full size lid ddn't they?
Thanks for the side by side! :thumbsup:

I have the Riddell and have an MR on the way!

I'm glad to know there is a difference! :D
looks from the pics that the MR is a pinch bigger. I like the added color on the inside and the added detail/colors on the back. Can't tell from the pics, but did they use the same color for the rangefinder ear as the back sections?

Great comparison shots. Thanks!
They totally jacked the Vader up from what I saw in person. The Riddell is a 3-piece and you can remove the dome and such, the MR is much more solid and weird looking. Not that the Riddell is screen accurate (I HATE LFL dumbning things down), but its nicer than the MR.
That's not the case with the Boba Fett. In person the MR is much nicer than the Riddel. I don't own the Vader so I can't speak to that topic.

They totally jacked the Vader up from what I saw in person. The Riddell is a 3-piece and you can remove the dome and such, the MR is much more solid and weird looking. Not that the Riddell is screen accurate (I HATE LFL dumbning things down), but its nicer than the MR.
I got my MR Mini Boba helmet today!

Wow! The MR has a WAY better paintjob than the Ridedll! :D

I am glad I got one and it's cool to have both! :thumbsup:
Coming into this thread late, but I came into a good deal on the scaled MR Fett for $80 on eBay, UNOPENED, still in the MR shipping box!
So, no one's grubby paws had touched it yet! lol
Looks "cute" in front of my EFX Trooper(far right) and EFX Fett ( far left)and my Hasbro Fett (behind) that I gave a ROTJ facelift to. lol
But seriously, it's super cool, looks great, (killer paint job. Love the green they gave it ) and gives me something to handle rather than always pulling out the big ones.... :)
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