Introducing the FPH2 - ESB

PS: And if anyone would like to PM me details/history on what I'm actually looking at here, please feel free too! lol! ;)

I'm in the same boat. The only way I can even tell the difference between the different movie helmets is if they are shown side to side with labels.

That does look like a nice cast though.
Glad to see the positive comments so far. A very nice reception Indeed. Thanks everyone :)

I ended up taking a couple of days rest from things. The last 6 months have been pretty intense. And I really didn't get a 4th of july like most did. So bear with me folks. I'll get to your messages as I can.

Still to come, pictures of the new ear assemblies. Gotta 'work it in' lol
Thank GOD you finally posted about this! Seeing these pics makes me want one, or two, REALLY BAD! LOVE IT! The couple of pics i had of this before are **** compared to these..this shows this off even know im in for a couple :)
I hope these will be around for a long time so that once I get the hang of painting my own buckets, I can come back and build my dream ESB.

If I had one I could take pics too, but they wouldn't be very good. They would probably look like a blurry thumb print.
Well, perfect timing. It just so happens I am in need of another Fett bucket (after deciding to have Jeremy sign my current one right on the forehead lol) and that of course was going to be ESB again so this is perfect! I am definitely in for one.
Oh now that's beautiful, Chris. And it's an ESB version too! I think I know where mt first Fett bucket is coming from! =)

Thanks for sharing the pics!

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