Intrest/Sign-up Helmet Interiors


Active Hunter
I've had some time on my hands over the week since I got back from vacation. I've made up 10 sets of the colored foam interiors. I can ship out right away if there is more interest than 10 then I can put you on a list to complete over the next couple weeks.
I don't mean to hi-jack the other interior thread its just coincidence that I've been working on these again. As I have been offering the odd set as of late. The sets are $85.00 plus shipping ($12.00 in North America, $14.00 overseas)

Please PM me if you'd like 1 of the 10 sets and your name will go up in order I recieve the PM.

Thanks, MS

1) al13ns
2) slowmo
3) zanenigma
4) sl-1190 PAID
5) Tubachris85x PAID

interior kits 001a.jpg
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Oh God!

Me! Me! Me! But I cant pay until the first week of Sept (credit card full!) *Cry*

Can I go on the list for a future run please?
No worries. What im working on is totally different:) Its going to do riddell/scale interiors somewhere down the road, but I promised the ones im working on now first:)

The mold im making is sort of complicated:) Im a week or three out from getting a run together anyway:)


i would be interested in getting in on this run, just have to wait til the 20th of next month to make payment....does this fit into your schedule, marrow? cool if not...but would love to get in on this run if at all possible...:thumbsup:
I was directed your way, My nugget cover is by the way of bradleyfett So will that work? Have any Pics of said interior? I want soemthing but fund are red till Oct 1.
Sorry Everyone I forgot to post that I was going to be away for a week. I'm getting right to the PM's and everyone's stuff I owe is being shipped out in the morning! Thanks for your patients.

I recived mine 2 days ago. though that was from the post in the Cargo hold. Took ca a month from payment 'till it dropped down in my mailbox.
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